Peltier Complex: A Partnership for Agriculture’s Future

North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) rich history of agricultural product research has elevated agriculture in North Dakota and the greater region to be the supplier of choice for high-quality commodities in both domestic and international markets.
In 2021, the North Dakota Legislature approved $70 million for the completion of a new combined facility and authorized an additional $15 million in fundraising to expand and enhance research and teaching capacity at NDSU. These funds will be used to build an Agricultural Products Development Center (APDC) co-located with the Northern Crops Institute (NCI).
This vision became reality when NDSU held the groundbreaking and naming ceremony of the Peltier Complex at the NDSU Wallman Wellness Center on Nov. 19. The Peltier Complex will bring together NDSU’s food science, meat science and cereal science laboratories along with NCI, a four-state-focused agency committed to promoting, developing and marketing crops grown in North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota and Montana. Located in the southwest corner of NDSU’s campus, the state-of-the-art facility will be uniquely positioned as a cornerstone of the university.
“The Peltier Complex will be a facility unlike anything else we have ever constructed at NDSU,” said Greg Lardy, NDSU’s vice president for agricultural affairs. “It will be the largest single academic building project in NDSU history.”
“The Peltier family generously gave a naming rights gift to support the private fundraising portion of the project, which partnered with the North Dakota Legislature to complete the overall financing package,” continued Lardy. “For generations, members of the Peltier family have been actively involved in North Dakota agriculture. In addition, they have a history of service with a variety of agricultural research programs, boards and councils. The family shows their support for NDSU Agriculture in many ways, and we are thrilled the family chose to honor their legacy in this manner.”
In addition to the Peltier family, numerous gift commitments were made by several commodity groups, alumni, businesses and friends of NDSU and the NCI as part of NDSU’s $455 million In Our Hands fundraising campaign.
The complex will support a wide range of research involving food science, meat science, muscle biology, food safety, nutrition, consumer sensory traits and the development of new agricultural products. Designed to meet federal and state food processing and food handling regulations, the center’s labs will expand research grant opportunities and partnerships with federal and state agencies.
“This will be a state-of-the-art learning facility that uniquely positions NDSU students for rapidly expanding career opportunities in the food industry,” said David Buchanan, NDSU associate dean, College of Agriculture, Food Systems and Natural Resources. “Providing abundant food that is safe and healthful is among the most pressing issues of our time. It is of utmost importance to have learning space in food science labs with the most up-to-date technologies.”
“The Peltier family has been an integral part of the history of NDSU and agriculture in the state,” said NDSU President, Dean L. Bresciani. “From farming, to the seed business, to grain elevators, to serving on commodity boards, the family is uniquely aware of the critical role NDSU’s College of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Natural Resources plays in our state, the nation and the world.”
The Peltier Complex will open opportunities, markets and address some of the most perplexing issues facing crop and livestock production, food systems and the development of new agricultural products. This state-of-the-art complex will bring together scientists, teachers, farmers, customers and students who will develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
Construction is estimated to begin in the late spring of 2022 and will take approximately 20 to 24 months to complete.
Greg Lardy, 701-231-7660,