The Math Emporium is a hybrid course that connects lecture, technology, and just-in-time tutoring to enhance student success in Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra and Trigonometry.
How it works at NDSU

- The NDSU Math Emporium is used for Intermediate Algebra, College Algebra, and Trigonometry (Math 98, Math 103, Math 105).
- Each week students spend 1 hour and 15 minutes in a large lecture where material is reviewed and they turn in sheets from their guided notebooks.
- Students also spend 2 hours in the computer lab working on: their guided notebook; quizzes, and homework.
- Students take exams in the computer lab once they have demonstrated partial mastery of the subject matter (based on quiz scores).
- All Emporium time is proctored by instructors, graduate TAs, and undergraduate tutors who help students as needed.
- The emporium lab, in the basement of the NDSU Library, is open 49 hours a week for students to drop-in as their schedule permits.
Success of the Emporium

- In 2017-2018 these two courses accounted for 23% of enrollments in Math courses.
- We have seen reductions of nearly 20% in DFW rates in Math 103 and Math 105 since the implementation of the Math Emporium.
- For the Emporium courses comparing success in subsequent courses we see an approximate 10% reduction of DFW rates in the subsequent course from pre-Emporium results in the same courses.
For more information please contact Mohamed Baghzali, Math Emporium Director