Contact Us:
Phone or Text: (701) 231-8782
*Please note that texts, emails, and phone calls are only answered during office hours.
Hours of Operation:
8:00a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday (fall/spring semester)
7:30a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday (summer semester and breaks)
Mailing Address:
NDSU Dept #3110
PO Box 6050
Fargo, ND 58108-6050
Campus Address:
Ceres Hall 302
1301 Administration Avenue
Fargo, ND 58102
Staff Directory and Responsibilities
Dorreen Kramer
(701) 231-7710
- Appeals - tuition/fee, late payment fees
- Athletic scholarships
- Bankruptcies
- Financial wellness
- Oversees management of NDSU One Stop
- Past due account holds and registration exceptions
- Payment agreements and settlements
- Records retention
- Student account collections - oversight and disputes
- Student communications
- Student Finance set up - tuition, student fees, course fees
- Tuition rates and annual review
- Tuition waivers - campus, department, Graduate Assistant,International, SBHE
- Tuition waivers - tracking, apply miscellaneous waivers
- Website updates
Carrie Petersen
Customer Account Services Manager
(701) 231-7545
- 1098-T processing and inquiries
- Credit card merchant setup and support
- Storefront/Commerce Manager setup and support
- Online (i.e. Nelnet) student payments
- PCI compliance
- Oversight of Reconciliations and Finance Activities
- Student Finance set up
- Tuition waivers - academic, ND National Guard, Fire Fighter, Law Enforcement
- Uncashed refund checks
- Military billing liaison
Ryan Larson
Student Account Specialist
(701) 231-7321
- Billing liaison to military students
- International student sponsored billing
- Uncashed checks
- Customized tuition letters
- Direct deposit enrollment and troubleshooting
- Short-term loans
- Tuition/fee appeals
- Student outreach
Ryan Niemann
Account Tech
(701) 231-7213
- Receipt/process student payments
- Receipt/process incoming ACH payments
- Receipt/process scholarships
- Department deposits and payments
- Website updates
- Tuition waivers-Graduate Assistant, diversity
- Student account refunds
- Refund check distribution
Tamara Ross
Collections Officer
(701) 231-7329
- Accounts payable processing
- Collaborative NDUS billing
- Diploma holds for non-payment
- Direct deposit set up
- Monthly billing statements - corporate accounts
- Past due account collections
- Payment arrangements for former students
- Receipt/process corporate account payments
- Refund check distribution
- Third-party billing (e.g. employers)
- Tuition waivers - employee, staff/dependent
Chad Stevermer
Account Tech
(701) 231-8229
- Financial reports
- Journal entries
- Monthly billing statements - students
- New account set up
- NSF checks
- Perceptive Content liaison
- Post charges/credits - student and corporate accounts
- Reconciliations - credit cards and online payments, daily deposits
- Refunds to student accounts
- Student Finance set up - tuition and fees, semester rollover, troubleshooting
- Storefront/Commerce Manager setup and support
- Bank Deposits
- Cash Advances and Cash Boxes
- Department draws