Center for Visual and Cognitive Neuroscience Events
The NDSU CVCN is an active participant in advancing knowledge in visual and cognitive neuroscience. One goal of the COBRE is outreach. Here is a list of events that we've hosted at NDSU to invite community discussion about the visual and cognitive neurosciences.Grant Writing Workshop June 27th, 2019 | 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Grant Writing Workshop June 14th, 2018 | 8:00 am-12:20 pm
Paul Casella is a writer, teacher, editor and producer. He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Since 1988 Paul has worked with health professionals to improve the clarity and effectiveness of their manuscripts for publication, formal presentations, grant applications, slides, posters, videos, and other media for scientific purposes. He was a writer and the primary editor of the funded Great Plains IDeA-CTR grant application.
This workshop will cover:
1) Writing for Publication--This presentation examines the structures and positions of emphasis in the sentence, paragraph, and sections of the formal study to help authors authorize their claims. Includes a test of reasoning that authors can apply to the articles they read and the papers they write.
2) Writing Grant Applications--This session reviews the principles of good grant writing to produce clear, direct, and compelling proposals. Focuses on understanding the psychology of reviewers and the review process, how to engage readers and facilitate understanding, and how to manage the proposal writing process. Suggests proposal templates. Includes exercises related to specific elements of a scientific proposal, particularly the Specific Aims page.
3) Speaking for Success--This course reviews how adults learn as a means to examine effective delivery techniques to engage scientific and clinical peer audiences. Provides practical information on how to deliver powerful oral and PowerPoint presentations in the classroom, the conference room, the auditorium, and at the regional or national meeting.
1241 University Drive North
Fargo, ND 58102
Science Café Analyzes Children's Language Development
Erin Conwell, assistant professor of psychology, presented the March Science Café titled, "When getting it wrong means they're getting right: What children's errors tell us about their language skills," on Tuesday, March 13, 2012. Children learning to talk often start off fine but then suddenly begin saying things that aren't quite right, Conwell said. They "holded" the kitten, "goed" to the store and "falled" the book. Parents may think these errors are cute, or possibly cause for concern, but language development researchers take them as evidence of a very sophisticated understanding of English. When children make such errors, they are testing the limits of their language and exploring the relationship between words, rules and meaning, Conwell said.
Science Café Addresses Bullying
Wendy Troop-Gordon, assistant professor of psychology, presented a February 2011 Science Café titled, "Bullying: What Do We Know, How Do We Know it, and What We Can Do?" How prevalent is bullying exactly? How does it occur? Who is most at risk and what are the consequences for children's and adolescents' development? Troop-Gordon discussed how researchers study bullying and provided an overview of what investigators have learned, including some of her recent findings from data collected in North Dakota and Minnesota. Discussion focused on what we can do to prevent bullying and help youth who are victimized by peers.
2006 Red River Psychology Conference

NDSU Psychology Department Profile Published in the Association for Psychological Science Observer
The Psychology Department was recently featured in the Association for Psychological Science's publication the Observer. The article describes the department's degree programs and has information on the Fargo area.
The 2005 Object Perception, Attention & Memory Annual Meeting
The Center for Visual Neuroscience at North Dakota State University, along with Tobii Technology, Arrington Research, Psychology Software Tools, the Psychonomic Society, the Cognitive Science Program at Michigan State University, the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at Duke University, and the Computational Visual Cognition Lab at MIT, have made generous donations in support of this year's OPAM.
OPAM Abstracts (*.pdf)
Major Grant Helps Fund Visual Neuroscience Center
What a difference one grant can make. When the Department of Psychology landed an $8.9 million grant to become a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in visual neuroscience, its reputation took major strides forward. The National Institutes of Health funding already has helped produce research that’s been trumpeted by the likes of The New York Times, CNN and the BBC. The five-year renewable grant helps pay for state-of-the-art equipment like high-density EEG neuroimaging labs and a driving simulator. And, with the COBRE feather in the department’s cap, professors suddenly found it a whole lot easier to recruit top graduate students.
Center for Visual Neuroscience Mini Conference
The North Dakota State University Center for Visual Neuroscience (housed in the College of Science and Mathematics, Department of Psychology, and funded by a grant from the NIH/NCRR Center for Biomedical Research Excellence program) hosted a half-day mini-conference on Friday, September 16, 2005 at the Alumni Center, Reimer’s Conference Room adjacent to the North Dakota State University campus. Presentations began at 1:00 p.m. Speakers included Dr. Robert Gordon (NDSU), Dr. Linda Langley (NDSU), Dr. Chris Kelland Friesen (NDSU), Dr. Mark Brady (NDSU), Dr. Stéphane Rainville (NDSU), Dr. Wolfgang Teder-Sälejärvi (NDSU), Dr. Dan Kersten (U. Minnesota), Dr. Patricia Reuter-Lorenz (U. Michigan), Dr. Arthur Kramer (U. Illinois), and Dr. John Foxe (CUNY). The presentations highlighted some of the newest research in visual and cognitive neuroscience by several CVN faculty and by several world-renowned researchers.
Mini Conference Booklet (*.pdf)
Center for Visual Neuroscience Media Coverage
The Center for Visual Neuroscience received an invitation from United States Senator
Byron Dorgan to participate in the Upper Great Plains Technology Conference and Trade Show on October 10 & 11, 2005.
WDAY, the local ABC news channel, was there to document the proceedings.
The regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on
Oct. 5, 2004 presented a symbolic check for $8.9 million to NDSU researchers. Joe C.
Nuñez met with faculty members who recently were awarded a five-year, National
Institutes of Health grant to establish a Center for Biomedical Research Excellence
(COBRE) for visual neuroscience at NDSU. The local Fox News affiliate was there
to record the presentation of the grant check.