Created by Raymond March |

A few weeks ago, I published an op-ed in The Hill entitled “Trust Private Enterprise to Flatten the Curve.” There I argued that markets, rather than the heavy hand of government, are our best hope to…

Created by Raymond March |

United States government officials previously estimated the COVID-19 virus would infect between 70 million and 150 million Americans, causing between 100,000 and 240,000 fatalities. Both estimates…

Created by James Caton |

Fiscal restraint is gone. Supported by central bankers who have developed a set of policy tools whose impact is practically imperceptible, year after year the national debt continues to grow. We no…

Created by Raymond March |

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to ravage the U.S. healthcare system, many healthcare professionals are struggling to find enough medical supplies to treat patients and to avoid becoming…

Created by Raymond March |

President Trump recently announced he is extending social distancing guidelines to April 30th. He initially hoped to lift them by Easter. This is far from the first time he has changed his mind on how…

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