Created by James Caton |

In a previous post, my colleague Alex Salter reflected on the significance and compatibility of the Mengerian and chartalist theories of money. The Mengerian theory argues that money arises in the…

Created by James Caton |

By the time you finish reading this post, I hope to convince you that ‘technology’ refers to an especially broad range of phenomenon.

In Mises Meets Wittgenstein, we discussed the development of the…

Created by James Caton |

The price of cryptocurrencies have gone parabolic. It appears to many, that we are experiencing a mania. Individuals are moving into cryptocurrency markets who apparently have no intention of using…

Created by Jeremy Jackson |

With the holiday season in full swing, you may find yourself dealing with the impossible task of buying everyone the exact present they desire.

Lucky for you, your friendly neighborhood economist is…

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