
Instrument Usage and Training
Students are encouraged to learn to operate the instrument and to critically analyze and interpret the data so that they may perform their own experiments under the supervision of the facility manager, Dr. Angel Ugrinov. Training is a personal custom hands-on process. Which means that every single student who has a sample for analysis can ask the manager for help and the student will be personally trained on his/her own sample. Before using the facility every student needs to complete a safety training class for working with radioactive materials and should wear his/her own dosimeter badge (ring).
Laboratory Safety Training
Online safety training for employees that work in laboratory spaces is contained in the following courses. Anyone who might generate hazardous waste will be required to attend Initial Waste Handling Training. The initial waste handling training for any new employee will be in-person. Refresher training will be required every semester thereafter and can be taken either online or in-person. A number of sessions will be offered in order to meet this obligation. If you would like us to provide this in a departmental group setting, please contact the Safety Office at 1-7759 to arrange.
Principal investigators and those in charge of laboratory operations need to complete all courses whereas employees within the laboratory spaces need to Laboratory Safety Training and any courses relavant to their work. Training is valid for fiscal year in which you complete the course. Once again, initial waste handling training is done in-person and online refresher is required each semester thereafter.
All courses are now assigned on Vector. After logging into Vector Solutions, your required trainings will auto-populate under the 'My Assignments' tab.
How to find required trainings on Vector Solutions
Laboratory Safety Training: This course contains information about general laboratory safety and how to identify hazards in the workspace. It includes information on fire and electrical hazards and gives the worker information that will help them respond to dangerous situations. Formerly Modules 1 and 3. Search "Laboratory Safety Training" in Course Catalog.
Waste Handling Online Refresher - This course contains information on proper waste handling and is required each semester for all employees that generate hazardous waste. Initial Waste Handling Training is required before completing the refresher and must be taken in-person. Search 'Waste Handling Online Refresher Training Spring 2024' into Vector.
Radiation Safety: This course contains basic radiation safety information and is designed to give a brief overview of this topic. Additional training requirements must be met if an employee will be actively working with radioactive material.
Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens: This course contains basic information on biohazards and biosafety awareness for those laboratories dealing with infectious substances. Additional training requirements must also be met for those employees who work with Bloodborne Pathogens or as part of a research team under approval of the Institutional Biosafety Committee. See the links elsewhere on the "Recommended for all Employees" tab under Training to the left for the Bloodborne Pathogen Training and/or the CITI Biosafety Training.
Nanotechnology: This course contains basic information on nanoscale materials and the unique safety issues associated with working with and around these items. It forms a foundation that can be built upon through additional laboratory specific training.
Principal Investigator/Supervisor: This course is designed to familiarize the Principal Investigator or Laboratory Supervisor with additional requirements and responsibilities associated with their role.
Chemical Safety
Department Chemical Inventory Management Protocol
Safety Videos
Improving Laboratory Safety presentation by Prof. Craig Merlic, Executive Director, UC Center for Laboratory Safety
A Day in the Lab - Stay Safe (courtesy of UCSD)
Splash Zone - Eye Protection (courtesy of UCSD)
Pipette Safety (courtesy of UCLA)