Immersive Learning Experiences

Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program (URM)
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry offers early research opportunities to Freshmen and Sophomore students. URM students receive a stipend and become active participants in cutting-edge research programs in the department.
To get involved, email to one of our faculty members whose research is the most interesting to you.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
During the summer, the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry invites undergraduate students from across the nation to engage in research alongside our faculty. Each participant will collaborate closely with a dedicated Research Mentor throughout the span of 10 weeks, ensuring a personalized and enriching mentoring experience.
At the end of the summer program, each participant will receive recognition for their work and participate in a poster session to discuss their research.
Frequently Asked Questions

Can I do laboratory research as an undergraduate?
Absolutely! Research is not required for the chemistry and biochemistry majors, but the department strongly encourages students to consider participating in a faculty-supervised research project.
Any student planning graduate studies in chemistry and biochemistry should become involved in research while an undergraduate. Our Junior and Senior students typically are enrolled to CHEM 494/BIOC 494 Supervised Research for which they can receive up to 3 credits each semester towards their B.S. degree.
When and how do chem/biochem majors start research?
Most students interested in research begin working in the summer after sophomore year. Some students start earlier than this, particularly if they have completed advanced laboratory/lecture courses ahead of the usual schedule.
Can students be paid for their research work?
Yes! Students can be paid for their research work ($10-$15/hr, depending on their experience and the work type they perform in the research groups). During academic year (Fall and Spring Semesters), students typically work for 5-8 hr/week to avoid overload with the course and research work. In summer, students work up to 40 hr/week.
Students should speak with a research faculty member to indicate their interest and plans for research work.
Whom should I contact about undergraduate research opportunities?
You can discuss this question with your advisor or the department’s Director of Undergraduate Studies: John Hershberger (