Types of Masters Degrees

Graduate degrees can take many different forms, including those related to student natural resource sciences. Here, we compare the professional, course-based MNRM degree to a more traditional, research-based MS degree in Natural Resource Management.

Please note with both degrees the ultimate decision of what is allowed for your program is based on the approval of your supervisory committee.

Professional MNRMResearch-Based MS
ActivitiesAlmost entirely graduate courses, with the option of including internships or other experiences.Primary focus on performing and reporting novel scientific research with some courses and experiences.
Degree program30 graduate credits, with emphasis primarily on classes with flexibility to add a mix of other experiences.30 graduate credits including 16 didactic credits and 6-10 research credits.
Time spanMaximum flexibility in the number of courses you take and when. Full-time students can graduate in as little as 1.5 years.Almost always done as a full-time student with total time to completion between 2-3 years.
Online optionsCan take any mixture of online and in person courses. Special tuition rates for those who take all online delivery.Some online courses possible, but research performed in person.
Options while workingMaximum flexibility makes it easy to work on an MNRM degree while also maintaining your career.Maintaining your career while pursuing an MS degree is only done occasionally, typically near the end of your studies.
AssistantshipsNo assistantships are available for this degree. You are responsible for all tuition, fees, and living expenses. Similar to most undergraduate experiences.Works like a job; students compete for a small number of assistantship where they will work on specific research tasks in exchange for a stipend.
AdmissionsMore opportunities for many different types of students across various skills and experiences.Can be difficult to be admitted; have to find an open assistantship that fits your exact skills and then outcompete all other candidates.
End productMany different options for demonstrating what you’ve learned.Must complete a Master’s Thesis containing your novel research
Career prospectsCan help advance your current career, propel you into a career in the natural resources, or help broaden your options.Most helpful for a career involving research, including pursuing an academic PhD.


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