ND Dickey is a non-GMO soybean that is not resistant to glyphosate herbicide. In southeast North Dakota, ND Dickey yielded 3.4 bu/A more than ND Stutsman and matured the same day. ND Dickey is resistant to lodging and is tolerant to iron-deficiency chlorosis. ND Dickey is resistant to Race 3 of phytophthora root rot but is susceptible to Race 4. According to the phytophthora root rot screening results by Dr. Ann Dorance, ND Dickey is resistant to Dorrance Race 1a, 7, 17 and 25 of P. sojae. ND Dickey is not resistant to Soybean Cyst Nematode. In 2018-2019, ND Dickey yielded 1.6 bu/A less than Asgrow AG 0835 and matured one day earlier. Averaged across 2017-2019 data, when tested in North Dakota, Minnesota and Canadian test sites, ND Dickey had similar maturity and yield as ND Stutsman. ND Dickey is sensitive to metribuzin herbicide. The pedigree of ND Dickey is Pioneer 91M10 X Sheyenne. ND Dickey has a relative maturity of 0.7 with purple flower color, gray pubescence color, tan pods with yellow hila color and dull seed coat luster.
ND Heart is a conventional oat line with exceptionally high groat β-glucan and protein concentration which makes it desirable for specialty milling products in the human food market. ND Heart is similar to HiFi in grain yield and test weight but produces fewer thin kernels than HiFi. The demand for plant protein and the need to incorporate heart healthy foods in human diets should create a demand for commodities like ND Heart.
ND Noreen is the first release from the newly reestablished NDSU HRWW breeding program. ND Noreen was derived from a cross of Decade/Armour. ND Noreen has high yield potential, excellent winter hardiness similar to Jerry. It’s a conventional height variety with excellent straw strength similar to Jerry in ND growing conditions. Overall grain quality for ND Noreen is good. The variety consistently has high test weight and grain protein, and has satisfactory milling extractions. Its mixing tolerance and loaf volume are average and comparable to Jerry. ND Noreen also carries the 4DL gene for aluminum tolerance, which is absent in Jerry.
ND Frohberg is a hard red spring wheat line with good yield potential, strong end-use quality, and very good disease resistance. The pedigree of the line is (ND709-9/ND2902). ND709-9 was an experimental line with the pedigree (ND 2709/3/GRANDIN*3//RAMSEY/ND 622). ND2902 was an experimental line with the pedigree (ND674//ND2710/ND688). The line was both crossed and derived by Dr. Richard Frohberg. It is medium-tall, similar to Barlow with straw strength most similar to Glenn. It carries the leaf rust gene Lr34 and has shown moderate resistance in adult plants. It has also shown high levels of resistance to bacterial leaf streak. The Fusarium head blight resistance is Sumai-3 derived, with resistance similar to Elgin-ND and Barlow. It has shown strong milling and baking quality during its testing, with mixograph scores similar to Glenn. In drill strip plots in 2018, its Farinograph stability was most similar to Glenn and Farinograph absorption most similar to Barlow. It has been yield tested in over 60 environments in the past four years, and has had a yield similar to SY Ingmar in western locations, and similar to Barlow in eastern locations. Pre-harvest sprout has not been a concern with this line.