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Hettinger REC

REC Image
Bee keeper with hives

Hettinger REC serves North Dakota farmers and ranchers by conducting: 

  • Integrated crops, livestock, range and wildlife research.
  • Variety, herbicide and crop production research.
  • Lamb and beef feedlot nutrition and management.
  • Reproductive management of fall, winter and spring lambing ewes.
  • Multiple-land use management including cropping systems, livestock and wildlife as potential outputs.


Open Positions at the Hettinger REC:

Wildlife and Range Research Specialist, for more information and to apply online visit:

We are hiring. Wildlife and Range Research Specialist



Contact Info

Hettinger Research Extension Center

Mailing address:

PO Box 1377
Hettinger, ND 58639
United States

Physical Address:

102 Hwy 12 W
Hettinger, ND 58639