Will Bleier

Professor Emeritus and former Department Head
Department of Biological Sciences

Malcolm Butler

Professor Emeritus
Research Area: Aquatic Ecology and Invertebrate Biology
Community and ecosystem ecology of lakes and wetlands. Biological assessment of water quality. Ecology, biogeography, and systematics of Chironomus (Diptera:Chironomidae). Major focus since 2007 has been invertebrate ecology in tundra ponds of Alaska’s Arctic Coastal Plain.
Email malcolm.butler@ndsu.edu
Campus Office: Stevens Hall 136

Gary Clambey

Professor Emeritus


Campus Office: Stevens Hall 136


Ted Esslinger

Professor Emeritus
Research Area: Taxonomy and Evolution of the Lichen-Forming Fungi

Although retired, Ted continues his research on the fungal families Parmeliaceae, Physciaceae, and Alectoriaceae. Current research involves primarily revisionary work on the North American and/or world representation of the genera Physcia, Physconia and Phaeophyscia. This includes classical morphological and chemotaxonomic study, but also includes molecular phylogenetic studies in collaboration with individuals at Brigham Young University and the Chicago Field Museum.


Campus Office: Stevens Hall 136

James W ("Jim") Grier

Professor Emeritus

"If it has, or had, DNA, it's cool!" Primary personal research specialties: eagles, hearts, fins, and fossils, animal behavior, population dynamics, wildlife, and physiology. Additional academic interests in education, science and research philosophy and techniques, and data analyses plus computer modeling.  

Major advisor to graduate student projects ranging from cellular/molecular to physiology, animal behavior, population dynamics, and landscape ecology/human interactions, covering animal groups ranging from insects and molluscs to fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds including eagles, falcons, and owls. Taught courses from introductory/freshmen to upper division and graduate level.  

Came to NDSU 1973, now retired, emeritus, maintains an office and lab (currently ECG, cardiac studies), and continues to work with graduate students and colleagues (both at NDSU and elsewhere). Research and travels in North Dakota, lab, computer, and internationally in Canada (Ontario and the arctic), Philippines, and Caribbean. Published wide range of topics in major journals including Science, PLOS ONE, plus numerous presentations and popular media. Was on Johnny Carson Tonight show and, at their request, advised the federal government, including President Clinton, on bald eagles..  

Numerous awards including from Biological Sciences Grad Student Association, NDSU undergrads, NDSU Faculty Lectureship, Fargo Chamber of Commerce NDSU Distinguished Professor, and given an Indian name by the Comanche Nation ("Kweenigh Puhakat" = "Carries Eagle Medicine"), plus misc. other awards including international awards from Canada and the Philippines.  

Other interests: family, outdoors, canoeing, scuba diving, photography, plants and animals; brews Kombucha.

 Email:James W ("Jim") Grier

Campus Office: Stevens Hall 136

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