Created by James Caton |

Powerful data visualization can demonstrate in the blink of an eye what might take minutes, or even hours to uncover through reading and analysis. The power of visualization lies in the ability to…

Created by Raymond March |

Rebeckah Jones worked for the Florida Department of Health’s Geographic Information team. One of her greatest responsibilities was to develop and maintain the Florida Covid-19 Data and Surveillance…

Created by Raymond March |

In late March, California became the first state to issue mandatory “shelter in place” orders. By mid-April, nearly 94 percent of the U.S. population was under order to stay at home. Nearly three…

Created by James Caton |

Much has been unclear since the start of the pandemic. How has the data reflected past and ongoing efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 in the region?

Click here to see the latest data…

Created by Raymond March |

Draconian measures to “flatten the curve” were implemented to prevent the healthcare sector from becoming overwhelmed with infected patients. Now, as many states reopen for business, it seems…

Created by James Caton |

As of writing today, we have observed for two consecutive days U.S. death tolls that are at their lowest since March. Not to raise our hopes, Dr. Anthony Fauci has advised that we should expect to be…

Created by James Caton |

The recent weeks have revealed a failure to engage in constructive dialogue, especially in regard to the meaning of data. Governors locked down entire states. Media has largely been accepting of the…

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