About Us

We are an interdisciplinary institute at North Dakota State University.

Annual Report

Our Mission

The Sheila and Robert Challey Institute for Global Innovation and Growth aims to advance understanding in the areas of innovation, trade, institutions and human potential to identify policies and solutions for the betterment of society.

Our Vision

A world where economic opportunity and flourishing are available to all.

Our Work

We are an interdisciplinary institute housed in the College of Business at North Dakota State University. We serve the entire NDSU campus and seek to extend beyond the academy to impact the broader public. We work to achieve our mission by:
  • Engaging in peer-reviewed research aimed at important questions surrounding opportunity and flourishing
  • Sharing research results in a variety of formats and outlets to enhance understanding by policymakers and the general public
  • Providing student programming that enhances student understanding of the foundations of economic opportunity and flourishing





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