Relevant Publications

Westerman, D., Vosburg, M., Liu, X. G., & Spence, P. R. (2024). What’s in a name and/or a frame? Ontological framing and naming of social actors and social responses. Human-Machine Communication, 8, 185-203.
Graham, S. S., Harrison, K. R., Edward, J. C. S., Majdik, Z. P., Barbour, J. B., & Rousseau, J. F. (2024). Beyond bias: Aggregate approaches to conflicts of interest research and policy in biomedical research. World Medical & Health Policy.
Westerman, D., Kelly, S., Vareberg, K. R., Rocker, K. T., & Bowman, N. D. (2023). Current trends and future directions: Technology. In M. G. Strawser (Ed.), Instructional communication in professional contexts (pp. 167-186). Cognella.
Bowman, N. D., Vareberg, K. R., Rocker, K. T., Kelly, S., & Westerman, D. (2023). Background: Technology. In M. G. Strawser (Ed.), Instructional communication in professional contexts (pp. 147-166). Cognella.
Vareberg, K. R., & Westerman, D. (2022). Seeking connection while connecting: The increased role of technology in student-instructor communication post-COVID. In M. Strawser (Ed.), The COVID-19 impact on higher education stakeholders and institutional services (pp. 81-91). Lexington Books.
Beck, S. J., & Paskewitz, E. A. (2022). An exploratory investigation of teacher perceptions of education and communication at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 6, 83-99.
- Rabby, M. M. F., Platt, C. A., & Zeng, C. (2022). Assimilation, organizational support, and impostor syndrome as predictors of GTAs’ communicatively restricted organizational stress (CROS). Communication Reports, 1-15.
- Platt, C. A., Bartels, M., Eberling, K., Gustafson, E., Lindmark, P. G., & Sinton, J. (2021). How perceptions of campus information resources motivate first-generation and continuing-generation students' use of nonexpert sources in the first year of College. Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 33(2), 97-111.
- Bublitz, E., Platt, C. A., & Kingsley Westerman, C. Y. (2020). Connecting in the classroom: Factors associated with student perceptions of Graduate Teaching Assistant immediacy. Journal of the Communication Speech & Theatre Association of North Dakota, 32, 21-33.
- Mou-Danha, S., Yakubova, M., & Vosen Callens, M. (2019). Answering the “who am I” question: Raising students’ sense of self-competence with the 30-Second Elevator Pitch. Communication Teacher, 33(4), 271-275.
- Vosen Callens, M., Kelter, P., Motschenbacher, J., Nyachwaya, J., Ladbury, J. L., & Semanko, A. M. (2019). "Developing and implementing a campus-wide professional development program: successes and challenges.” Journal of College Science Teaching, 49(2), 68-75.
- Pritchard, A., Fudge, J., Crawford, E. C., & Jackson, J. (2018). Undergraduate choice of major and major satisfaction: An expanded role for personality measures. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 28(2), 155-174.
- Vosen Callens, M. (2017). The cultural diamond as an English teacher’s best friend. English Journal, 106(5), 64-69.
- Hubbard, G. T., Kang, J. A., & Crawford, E. C. (2016). Crossing cross-platform: Comparing skills preferences and convergence attitudes in strategic communication and news disciplines. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 71(4), 453-469.
- Vosen Callens, M. (2016). Using Wikipedia to teach written health communication. In K. Bryant (Ed.), Engaging 21st century writers with social media (pp. 247-258). IGI Global.
- Crawford, E. C., Fudge, J., Hubbard, G. T., & Filak, V. F. (2013). The mass comm type: Student personality traits, motivations, and the choice between news and strategic communication majors. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, 68(2), 104-118.
- Hubbard, G. T., Crisp Crawford, E., & Filak, V. F. (2011). Social identity and convergence: News faculty and student perspectives on web, print, and broadcast skills. Electronic News, 5(1), 20-40.