Dr. Andrew Myer
Associate Professor and Graduate Coordinator

Andrew J. (A.J.) Myer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at North Dakota State University. Dr. Myer is also a Research Fellow with the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute. He has taught courses on corrections, evidenced based correctional programming, and statistical and research methodologies. His research interests include effective correctional interventions, evidence based program evaluation, actuarial offender risk assessment practices, and macro-social research methods.

Office: 134E8 Minard Hall
Phone: (701) 231-7515
Email: andrew.j.myer@ndsu.edu
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati, 2010
M.S., University of Cincinnati, 2005
B.A., Saint John’s University, 2004
Dr. Myer has worked with numerous community and institutional correctional agencies across the United States, focusing on the evaluation of correctional programming and implementation of evidence based practices. He has conducted numerous process and outcome evaluations of correctional programs, including dozens of process and outcome evaluations of treatment courts. Most recently Dr. Myer has been working with different types of treatment courts, including: adult and juvenile treatment courts, gender specific treatment courts, veteran’s courts, mental health courts, and drug courts.
Dr. Myer has written over 50 technical reports on evidence based program evaluation. He has published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Criminal Justice Policy Review, Victims and Offenders, and the Journal of Crime and Justice, and is co-editor of the book The Origins of American Criminology.