Online Degrees
North Dakota State University (NDSU) is a member university of the Innovative Digital Education Alliance (IDEA), an alliance of accredited public universities in the United States who collaborate to provide online degree programs. When you select NDSU as your home university, you will take courses from NDSU as well as other universities that belong to the alliance. This unique approach combines university resources, giving you access to top faculty and courses that NDSU could not offer alone.
All classes are offered at one affordable common price and are completely online, giving busy professionals maximum flexibility to pursue their education while balancing family and work obligations. You will learn from expert faculty who bring real-life experience to the coursework and are committed to helping you transition your learning beyond the online classroom into your career.
This alliance between NDSU and IDEA offers you the opportunity to take classes from multiple reputable universities. This collaborative approach to sharing resources allows you to earn your master's degree or graduate certificate through convenient, affordable, high-quality coursework you can complete anytime, anywhere.
Online Graduate Degrees - IDEA

M.S. or M.A. in Community Development
Trains you in the skills, information, and networks needed to facilitate sustainable and prosperous community change.

M.S. in Dietetics
Learn to design and lead effective food and nutrition programs in a variety of settings by applying advanced nutrition principles learned in this program.

M.S. in Merchandising
Prepares you to work in product development, promotions, and retail management in an ever expanding industry.

M.S. in Human Development & Family Science: Gerontology
Position yourself to make an impact on the quality of life of our aging population. Gerontology is a multidisciplinary study of the aging processes and individuals as they grow from middle age through later life.

M.S. in Human Development and Family Sciences: Family Financial Planning
Enhance your knowledge of personal and family financial management.

M.Ed. in Family & Consumer Sciences Education
Become certified to teach family and consumer sciences (FCS) in your state. Analyze the historical and philosophical underpinnings of FCS Education, formerly known as home economics.

M.S. in Human Development and Family Science: Youth Development
Equips you with best practices in providing programs for youth and sets you up for leadership within youth-serving organizations.
Online Graduate Certificates

Community Development Graduate Certificate
Empower yourself to be a changemake in your community or organization
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Family Financial Planning Graduate Certificate: Financial Planning
Help individuals and families manage their income, assets, and debts.

Family Financial Planning Graduate Certificate: Financial & Housing Counseling
Learn about in-demand topics such as financial theory, real estate planning, estate planning, and income taxation.
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Gerontology Graduate Certificate
Position yourself to meet the needs of the aging population and expand your credentials.

Merchandising Graduate Certificate
Learn the theoretical background behind merchandising and position yourself for career advancement or a new career in merchandising.

Youth Development Graduate Certificate
Prepare yourself for career advancement in a youth program.

Youth Program Management & Evaluation Graduate Certificate
Become a leader in the management of youth programs and activities.