Team Membership
This page contains information on the various teams and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of the new financial operating model.
Steering Committee Members
Bruce Bollinger - Vice President, Finance and Administration
Kimberly Wallin - Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
Chris Wilson - Chief of Staff, Office of the President
Cindy Rott - Budget Director
David Bertolini - Dean, Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Emily Berg - Director, Institutional Research and Analysis
Jeff Boyer - Director, Assessment and Accreditation
Jody Dewald - Provost Budget Director
Karin Hegstad - Associate VP, Finance and Administration
Laura McDaniel - Associate VP, University Relations
Mark Genkinger - Director, Human Resources
Pat Hanson - Payroll Director
Michael Petersen - Assistant Professor of Accounting
Shannon David Misialek - Associate Professor, Professional Athletic Training program Director
Tuition Incentive Model Working Group Members
Cindy Rott (Chair) - Budget Director
Aubrey Ketterling - Sr. Budget Analyst
Becky McCleary - College Business Manager- Health Professions
Carol Haukebo - Sr. Budget Analyst
Emily Berg - Director, Institutional Research and Analysis
Jody Dewald - Provost Budget Director
Karin Hegstad - Associate VP, Finance and Administration
Kay Hopkins - College Business Manager- College of Business
Lisa Ripplinger - Controller
Peggy Cossette - Assistant to Dean Human Dev & Education
Dorreen Kramer - Director, Customer Account Services
Operations Assessment Working Group Members
Karin Hegstad (Chair) - Associate VP, Finance and Administration
Cindy Rott - Budget Director
Alissa Kuntz - College Business Manager - Engineering
Cherie Fischer - Assistant Director - AES Ag Budget Office
Dan Friesner - Assistant Dean - College of Health Professions
Gretchen Wagendorf - Interim Ag Budget Director - AES Ag Budget Office
Janelle Smith - College Business Manager – Science & Math
Jeff Boyer - Director, Assessment and Accreditation
Jenna Reno - College Business Manager – Arts Humanities & Soc Sci
Jody Dewald - Budget Director - Provost
Josh Hemingway - Associate Athletic Director, Business Operations
Lisa Ripplinger - Controller
Mark Genkinger - Director, Human Resources
Pat Hanson - Director, Payroll Services
Shelly Gustafson - Accounting Services Manager
Additional Information
President's Steering Committee on Budget and Finance Operations Enhancement
This is the homepage for the President's Steering Committee on Budget and Finance Operations Enhancement website and includes information about the tuition incentive model, operations assement and provides project updates.
Project Sponsors
This page contains information on the various teams and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of the new financial operating model.
Team Membership
This page contains information on the various teams and working groups that are responsible for the implementation of the new financial operating model.
Operations Assessment: Business Process Focus Groups
This page contains information regarding the foocus group departments represented.
Project Updates
This page includes most recent project updates.
Project Reports and Presentations
This page includes presentations, survey data and project reports.
Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Accounting Service Center Home
This is the homepage for the Accounting Service Center and includes information about the project background and financial impact to NDSU.
NDSU Transform
This is the homepage for the President's NDSU Transform website and includes information about the project initiation, communication, background data and impact to NDSU.
Contact Us
This page includes information to contact a member of the NDSU Transform team.