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Papers in the Review Process

H. Munsif, I. Ullah and B. D. Braaten,"Malfunctioning Conformal Phased Array: Radiation Pattern Recovery with Particle Swarm Optimization ," submitted for review in Electronics.

Accepted/Published Journal Papers 


M. Ayaz, I. Ullah, A. Iftikhar, S. M. Abbas, B. D. Braaten, S. Khattak and M. Alathbah,"A Flexible Conformal Phased Array with Embedded Magnetic Particles Based Composite Right/Left Handed Metamaterial Phase Shifters," accepted for publication in IEEE Access.


M. Raza, M. Ahsan, W. B. Alonazi, S. A. Naqvi and B. D. Braaten, "Design and Analysis of Arbitrary Shaped Bifunctional Cloaks for Multifunctional Material Composites," Physica Scripta,  no. 98, Oct. 2023.

M. Godfrey, D. L. Ewert, R. Striker and B. D. Braaten, "A Microstrip Transmission Line Biosensor to Measure the Interaction between Microliter Aqueous Solutions and 1.0 GHz - 17.0 GHz Radio Frequencies," Sensors, no. 23, article 11, May 2023.

Y. Zhang, R. Striker, M. Disu, E. Monono, A. Peckrul, G. Advani, B. Chen, B. D. Braaten and X. Sun, "Dielectric Constant-based Grain Mass Estimation using Radio Frequencies Sensing Technology," ASABE Journal of Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 39, article 2, pp. 207-214, Mar. 2023.

M. Ayaz, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten, W. Khalil and I. Ullah, "A Composite Right/Left-Handed Phase Shifter-Based Cylindrical Phased Array with Reinforced  Particles Responsive to Magneto-Static Fields," Electronics, no. 12, article 306, Jan. 2023.


T. Nusrat, F. S. Dawod, T. Islam, P. Kunkolienker, S. Roy, M. M. Rahman, S. Ghosh, S. Dey, D. Mitra and B. D. Braaten, "A Comprehensive Study on Next-Generation Electromagnetics Devices and Techniques for Internet of Everything (IoE)," Electronics, no. 11, article 3341, Oct. 2022.

I. Ullah, B. D. Braaten, A. Iftikhar and D. E. Anagnostou "Beamforming with 1 X N Conformal Arrays," Sensors, no. 22, article 6616, Sep. 2022.

R. Ge, R. Striker and B. D. Braaten, "A Study on Conformal Metasurface Influences on Passive Beam Steering," Electronics, vol. 11, no. 5, article 674, Feb. 2022.


M. M. Masud, D. Mitra, B. Ijaz, I. Ullah and B. D. Braaten, "On Using the Zeroth Order Resonance of an Inter-digital Capacitive Unit-cell to design Antennas for Passive UHF RFID Tags," Electron. Lett., vol. 57, no. 11. May 2021, pp. 427-429.

D. Mitra, S. Dev, M. Allen, J. Allen and B. D. Braaten, "Coordinate Transformation-based Antenna Elements Embedded in a Metamaterial with Scanning Capabilities," Electronics: Microwave and Wireless Comunications, vol. 10, no. 9, article 1081, May. 2021.

D. Mitra, S. Dev, J. Lewis, J. Cleveland, M. Allen, J. Allen and B. D. Braaten, "A Phased Array Antenna with New Elements Designed Using Source Transformations," Applied Sciences: Special Issue on Antennas and Wireless Propagation Implementing Metamaterial Structures, vol. 11, no. 7, article 3162, Apr. 2021.

D. Mitra, S. Roy, R. Striker, E. Burczek, A. Aqueeb, H. Wolf, K. S. Kabir, S. Ye, and B. D. Braaten, "Conductive Electrifi and Nonconductive NinjaFlex Filaments based Flexible Microstrip Antenna for Changing Conformal Surface Applications," Electronics: Special Issue on Innovative Antenna Technologies and Applications, vol. 10, no. 7, article 821, Mar. 2021.


M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar, R. M. Shubair, A.-D. Capobianco, B. D. Braaten and D. E. Anagnostou, "Eight Element Compact UWB-MIMO/Diversity Antenna with WLAN band Rejection for 3G/4G/5G Communications," IEEE Open Journal on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 1, no. 1, Dec. 2020, pp. 196-206.

A. Iftikhar, S. M. Asif, J. M. Parrow, J. Allen, M. Allen. A. Fida and B. D. Braaten, "Changing the Operation of Small Geometrically Complex EBG-based Antennas with Micron-sized Particles that Respond to Magneto-static Fields," IEEE Access, vol. 8, no. 1, Dec. 2020, pp. 78956-78964.

J. Hansen, E. Swartz, J. Cleveland, S. Asif, B. Brooks, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "A Systematic Review of In Vitro and In Vivo Radio Frequency Exposure Methods," IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, Dec. 2020, pp. 340-351.

W. A. Awan, N. Hussain, S. A. Naqvi, A. Iqbal, R. Striker, D. Mitra and B. D. Braaten, "A Miniaturized Wideband and Multi-band On-Demand Reconfigurable Antenna for Compact and Portable Devices," International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 122, Jul 2020, pp. 1-9.

A. Iftikhar, J. M. Parrow, S. M. Asif, A. Fida, J. Allen, M. Allen, B. D. Braaten and D. E. Anagnostou, "Characterization of Novel Structures Consisting of Micron-Sized Conductive Particles that Respond to Static Magnetic Field Lines for 4G/5G (sub-6 GHz) Reconfigurable Antennas," Electronics: Special Issue on Reconfigurable Antennas, vol. 9, no. 6, article 903, May 2020, pp. 1-12.

M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar, R. M. Shubair, A.-D. Capobianco, D. E. Anagnostou and B. D. Braaten, "A Four Element, Planar, Compact UWB-MIMO Antenna with WLAN Band Rejection Capabilities," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, May 2020; 1-8.

M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar, R. M. Shubair, A.-D. Capobianco, S. Asif, B. D. Braaten and D. E. Anagnostou, "Ultra-Compact Reconfigurable Band Rejected UWB MIMO Antenna with Four Radiators," Electronics: Special Issue on Reconfigurable Antennas, vol. 9, no. 4, article 584, Mar. 2020, pp. 1-13.


S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert and K. Maile, "A Wide-Band Tissue Numerical Model for Deeply Implantable Antennas for RF-Powered Leadless Pacemakers," IEEE Access, vol. 7, Mar. 2019, pp. 31031-31042.

S. M. Asif, J. Hansen, A. Iftikhar, D. L. Ewert and B. D. Braaten, "Computation of Available RF Power Inside the Body and Path Loss Using In Vivo Experiments," IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 13, no. 1, Jan. 2019, pp. 122-126.


S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, J. W. Hansen, M. S. Khan, D. L. Ewert and B. D. Braaten, "A Novel RF-Powered Wireless Pacing via a Rectenna-Based Pacemaker and a Wearable Transmit-Antenna Array," IEEE Access, vol. 7, Dec. 2018, pp. 1139-1148..

S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, K. Maile, D. L. Ewert and B. D. Braaten, "On the Computation and Comparison of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in a Skin Tissue using Analytical and Numerical Methods," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, no. 9, Sep. 2018, pp. 2277-2284.

B. Ijaz, M. S. Khan, S. Asif, D. E. Anagnostou and B. D. Braaten, "A Metamaterial Inspired Series-Fed Frequency Reconfigurable Array with Zero-Phase CRLH Interconnects," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 60, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 140-146.


S. Roy, S. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "A Phase Correction Technique based on Spatial Movements of Antennas in Real-Time (S.M.A.R.T.) for Designing Self-Adapting Conformal Array Antennas," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 12, Dec. 2017, pp. 3002-3010.

M. S. Khan, A.- D. Capobianco, S. M. Asif, D. E. Anagnostou, R. M. Shubair and B. D. Braaten, "A Compact CSRR Enabled UWB MIMO Antenna," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, 2017, pp. 808-812.

J. Parrow, A. Iftikhar, S. Asif, J. Allen, M. Allen, B. Wenner and B. D. Braaten, "On the Bandwidth of a Microparticle-based Component responsive to Magneto-Static Fields," IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 59, no. 4, Aug. 2017, pp. 1053-1059.

I. Ullah, S. Nariyal, D. Schuette, S. Khattak and B. D. Braaten, "Modeling the Strong Coupling between Microstrip and Complementary Split Ring Resonator Transmission Lines on a PCB," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 7, Jul. 2017, pp. 1475-1480.

I. Ullah, S. Khattak and B. D. Braaten, "Improvement of the Broadside Radiation Pattern of a Conformal Antenna Array using Amplitude Tapering," The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 32, no. 6, Jun. 2017.

M. S. Khan, A.- D. Capobianco, A. Iftikhar, R. M. Shubair, D. E. Anagnostou and B. D. Braaten, "An Ultra Compact Dual-Polarized UWB MIMO Antenna with Meander Feeding Lines," IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 11, no. 7, Jun 2017, pp. 997-1002.

S. Sajal, B. D. Braaten, T. Tolstedt, S. Asif and M. J. Schroeder, ''Design of a Conformal Monopole Antenna on a Paper Substrate using the Properties of Graphene-Based Conductors," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 6, Jun. 2017, pp. 1279-1283.

S. Sajal, B. D. Braaten, V. Marinov, Y. Atanasov and O. Swenson, "A Low-Cost Antenna Design on a Paper Substrate for Near-Field Passive UHF RFID Tags," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 59, no. 5, May 2017, pp. 1052-1056.


A. Iftikhar, J. Parrow, S. Asif, J. Allen, M. Allen, B. Wenner and B. D. Braaten, "Improving the Efficiency of a Reconfigurable Microstrip Patch using Magneto-Static Field Responsive Structures," Electron. Lett., vol. 52, no. 14, pp. 1194-1196, Jul. 2016.

M. S. Khan, S. Asif, A. - D. Capobianco, B. Ijaz, D. E. Anagnostou and B. D. Braaten, "A Frequency Reconfigurable Self-Adapting Conformal Array for Changing Surfaces," IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 897-901, Jun. 2016.

A. Naqvi, M. S. Khan and B. D. Braaten, "A Frequency Reconfigurable Cylindrically Shaped Surface with Cloaking-like Properties," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1323-1329, Jun. 2016.

S. Asif, M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar and B. D. Braaten, "An E-shaped Microstrip Patch Antenna for Reconfigurable Dual-Band Operation," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1485-1490, Jun. 2016.

S. Asif, J. Hansen, M. S. Khan, S. Walden, M. O. Jensen, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "Design and In Vivo Test of a Battery-less and Fully Wireless Implantable Asynchronous Pacing System," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63, no. 5, pp. 1070-1081, May 2016.

M.S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, A. Iftikhar, S. Asif, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "A Frequency Reconfigurable Series-Fed Microstrip Patch Array with Interconnecting CRLH Transmission Lines," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 15, pp. 242-245, 2016.

A. Naqvi, M. S. Khan and B. D. Braaten, "A 1X2 Microstrip Array with Reduced Mutual Coupling Achieved with a Cylindrically-Shaped Cloaking-Based Surface," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 296-301, Feb. 2016.

M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar, S. Asif, A. D. Capobianco and B. D. Braaten, "A Compact 4 Element UWB MIMO Antenna with On-Demand WLAN Rejection," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters., vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 270-276, Feb. 2016.

M. S. Khan, A.- D. Capobianco, A. Iftikhar, S. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "A Compact Dual Polarized Ultra-wideband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Antenna," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 58, no 1, pp. 163-166, Jan. 2016.


M.S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, A. Naqvi, B. Ijaz, S. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "Planar, Compact Ultra-Wideband Polarization Diversity Antenna Array, "IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 9, issue 15, pp. 1761-1768, Dec. 2015.

J. Hansen, S. Asif, L. Singelmann, M. S. Khan, S. Ghosh, T. Gustad, C. Doetkott, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "A Far-Field Radio-frequency Experimental Exposure System with Unrestrained Mice," SpringerPlus, 2015, 4:669.

M. S. Khan, A. D. Capobianco, S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "Compact 4X4 UWB-MIMO Antenna with WLAN Band Rejected Operation," Electron. Lett., vol. 51, no. 14, Jul. 9, 2015, pp. 1048-1050.

M.S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, A. Naqvi, M. S. Shafique, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "Compact Planar UWB MIMO Antenna with On-Demand WLAN Rejection," Electron. Lett., vol. 51, no. 13, pp. 963-964, Jun. 2015.

M. S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, M. F. Shafique, B. Ijaz, A. Naqvi and B. D. Braaten, "Isolation Enhancement of a Wideband MIMO Antenna using Floating Parasitic Elements," Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 1677-1682, Jul. 2015.

M. S. Khan, M. F. Shafique, A. Naqvi, A. - D. Capobianco, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "A Miniaturized Dual-Band Diversity Antenna for WLAN Applications," IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 958-961, 2015.


L. Hinsz and B. D. Braaten, "A Frequency Reconfigurable Transmitter Antenna with Autonomous Switching Capabilities," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 7, Jul. 2014, pp. 3809 - 3813.

B. D. Braaten, S.Roy, I. Irfanullah, S. Nariyal and D. E. Anagnostou, ''Phase-Compensated Conformal Antennas for Changing Spherical Surfaces,'' IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 4, Apr. 2014, pp. 1880 - 1887.

D. E. Anagnostou, M. T. Chryssomallis, B. D. Braaten, J. L. Ebel and N. Sepulveda, "Reconfigurable UWB Antenna with RF-MEMS for On-Demand WLAN Rejection," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 2, Feb. 2014, pp. 602 - 608.


I. Irfanullah, S. Nariyal, S. Roy, M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, “Analysis of the Noise Voltage Coupling (Crosstalk) between Right-Handed and Composite Right/Left-Handed (CRLH) Transmission Lines on Printed Circuit Boards,IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 55, no. 4, Aug. 2013, pp. 788 - 797.

B. D. Braaten, M. A. Aziz, S.Roy, S. Nariyal, I. Irfanullah, N. F. Chamberlain, M. T. Reich and D. E. Anagnostou, ''A Self-Adapting Flexible (SELFLEX) Antenna Array for Changing Conformal Surface Applications,'' IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 2, Feb., 2013, pp. 655 - 665.


M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz, I. Ullah and B. D. Braaten, “A Compact Dual-Band EMI Metasurface Shield With an Actively Tunable Polarized Lower Band,'' IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 54, no. 5, Oct., 2012, pp. 1182-1185.

M. A. Aziz, S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, "A New Printed Quasi-Lanstorfer Antenna," IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 5, May, 2012, pp. 2531-2536.

B. D. Braaten, D. A. Rogers and R. M. Nelson, “Multi-Conductor Spectral Domain Analysis of the Mutual Coupling Between Printed Dipoles Embedded in Stratified Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectrics,IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 4, April, 2012, pp. 1886-1898.


L. A. Berge, M. Reich and B. D. Braaten, “A Compact Dual-Band Bow-tie Slot Antenna for 900 MHz and 2400 MHz ISM Bands,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 1385-1388, 2011.


B. D. Braaten and M. A. Aziz, “Using Meander Open Complementary Split Ring Resonator (MOCSRR) Particles to Design a Compact UHF RFID Tag Antenna,IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9, pp. 1037-1040, 2010.

B. D. Braaten, “A Novel Compact UHF RFID Tag Antenna Designed with Series Connected Open Complementary Split Ring Resonator (OCSRR) Particles,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no. 11, November, 2010, pp. 3728-3733.

B. D. Braaten, R. P. Scheeler, R. M. Reich, R. M. Nelson, C. Bauer-Reich, J. Glower and G. J. Owen, “Compact Metamaterial Based UHF RFID Antennas: Deformed Omega and Split-Ring Resonator Structures,” The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Journal, vol. 25, no. 6, 2010.


B. D. Braaten, M. Reich and J. Glower, “A Compact Meander-Line UHF RFID Tag Antenna Loaded with Elements Found in Right/Left-Handed Coplanar Waveguide Structures,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 1158-1161, 2009.

B. D. Braaten, R. M. Nelson and D. A. Rogers, “Properties of a Printed Dipole in Stratified Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectrics,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 8, pp. 806-810, 2009.


B. D. Braaten and R. M. Nelson, “An RGF Delta Gap Source for Thin Wire EFIE,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 50, no. 1, February 2008, pp. 212-215.

B. D. Braaten, R. M. Nelson, and M. A. Mohammed, “Electric Field Integral Equations for Electromagnetic Scattering Problems with Electrically Small and Electrically Large Regions,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 56, no. 1, January 2008, pp. 142-150.

Accepted/Presented Conference Proceedings 


A. Govindankutty, A. Rudie and B. D. Braaten, "On using Square-Shaped Fractal Patterns to Reduce the Operating Frequency of Open Complementary Split Ring Resonators on a Single Conducting Layer," accepted for presentation at the 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 14-19, 2024, Florence, Italy.


A. Govindankutty, A. Rudie, S. Kroll, J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, M. Allen, J. Allen, R. Striker and D. L. Ewert, "On the Methodology of Modeling a Parallel Plate Capacitor using the Partial Element Equivalent Circuit (PEEC) Technique," presentated at the 2023 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), Sep. 11-13, 2023, Marimar Beach, FL, USA.

D. Mitra, R. Striker, T. Nusrat, V. Gadhamshetty, B. D. Braaten and S. Roy, "On the Prospects of Stereolithography Methods for 3  Printing of Future Microwave Devices in Low-Dk," presented at the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI),  Portland OR, USA, Jul. 23- 28, 2023.


A. Gieser, S. Vitola, A. Enochson, H. Wolf, R. Striker, J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert, D. Mitra, J. Allen and M. Allen, "Neuronal Modeling Tool using DynaSim," (invited paper) 2022 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), Sep. 12-14, 2022, Marimar Beach, FL, USA.

H. Wolf, R. Striker, J. Cleveland, A. Gieser, B. D. Braaten, A. Enochson, D. L. Ewert, D. Mitra, J. Allen, M. Allen, and S. Vitola, "Modeling the Self-Capacitance of Individual Plates in a Multi-Conductor System using PEEC," (invited paper)  2022 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), Sep. 12-14, 2022, Marimar Beach, FL, USA.

H. Munsif, B. D. Braaten and I. Ullah, "Side-lobe Level and Nulls Control of Defected Antenna Array using an Optimization Algorithm," presentated at the 19th International Bhurban Conference on Applied Sciences and Technology (IBCAST)-2022, Bhurban Pakistan, Aug. 18 - 22, 2022.

H. Wolf, R. Striker and B. D. Braaten, "On the Effect of Scaling an Array of Complementary Split Ring Resonators (CSRRs) in the Ground Plane of a Single Microstrip Patch Antenna," presented at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Denver CO, USA, Jul. 10 - 15, 2022.

U. Farooq, M. Nasir, R. S. Shehzad, A. Iftikhar, M. F. Shafique, S. M. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "An Angularly Stable Linear to Linear Polarization Conversion Metasurface for X-Band Applications," presented at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Denver CO, USA, Jul. 10 - 15, 2022.

U. Farooq, M. Nasir, R. S. Shehzad, A. Iftikhar, M. F. Shafique, S. M. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "A Compact Polarization Selective Surface (PSS) for Dual-Band Wi-Fi and Wi-Max Shielding Applications," presented at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Denver CO, USA, Jul. 10 - 15, 2022.

D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "Limiting Co-location Effects of Antennas using Engineered Electromagnetic Structures," presented at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Denver CO, USA, Jul. 10 - 15, 2022.

M. N. Rafiq, D. Mitra, A. Iftikhar, A. M. Kirmani and B. D. Braaten, "On the Shielding and Cooling Properties of Woven Microfiber Materials for Potential EMC Applications of IoT Devices," presented at the 22nd Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eit2022), May 19th - 21st, 2022, Minnesota State University, Mankato MN USA.

A. Enochson, D. L. Ewert, D. Mitra, R. Striker, J. Cleveland, H. Wolf, A. Gieser, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "Modeling the Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron to Determine Neuronal Energy Consumption Efficiency and Oxygen Consumption Values," presented at the 59th Int. Biomedical Science and Instrumentation Symp. (IBSIS) and 59th Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symp. (RMBS), Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ USA, Apr. 8-10, 2022.


R. Ge, R. Striker and B. D. Braaten, "On Changing the Phase of the Radiated Field from a Microstrip Patch Antenna Using a 3D-printed Conformal Metasurface," presented at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 4-10, 2021.

H. Wolf, D. Mitra, R. Striker, J. Cleveland and B. D. Braaten, "On the Coupling Between a Transmission Line Additively Manufactured with Electrifi Filament and a Copper Stepped Impedance Filter in the S-Band," presented at the 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (APS/URSI), Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Dec. 4-10, 2021.

D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On the Rotation of the Field from a Dipole using Transformation Electromagnetics," presented at the 2021 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), Aug. 2-4, 2021, Marimar Beach, FL, USA.

H. Wolf, D. Mitra and B. D. Braaten, "On the Effect of Varying the Number of Complementary Split-Ring Resonators (CSRRs) in the Ground Plane of a Microstrip Transmission Line," presented at the 2021 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Symposium, Online-Live and Interactive, Aug. 1-5, 2021.

H. Wolf, D. Mitra, R. Striker, and B. D. Braaten, "On the Equivalent Circuit Model of a 3D-Printed Conductive Electrifi Transmission Line on a Flexible NinjaFlex Substrate," presented at the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI, USA, May 13-15, 2021.

M. Pearson, D. L. Ewert, R. Striker and B. D. Braaten, "Development of a RF Biosensor Design to Detect Changes in Scattering Parameters of Aqueous Materials During Radio Frequency Wave Exposure," presented at the virtual 58th Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium (RMBS), Apr. 9 - 11, 2021.

D. Mitra, R. Striker, J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, K. S. Kabir, A. Aqueeb, E. Burczek, S. Roy and S. Ye, "A 3D Printed Microstrip Patch Antenna using Electrifi Filament for In-Space Manufacturing," presented at the 2021 virtual USNC-URSI National Radio Science Meeting (NRSM), Jan. 4 - 9, 2021.


D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On the use of Multiple Beam-Shifters Developed using Transformation Electromagnetics to Control Propagation Characteristics," invited paper presented at the 2020 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense Conference (RAPID), Aug. 10-12, 2020, Marimar Beach, FL, USA.

R. Striker, D. Mitra and B. D. Braaten, "Permittivity of 3D Printed NinjaFlex Filament for use in Conformal Antenna Designs up to 20 GHz," presented at the 20th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eit2020), Jul. 31 - Aug. 1, 2020, Naperville, IL USA.

R. Striker, D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, K. S. Kabir and S. Roy, "On the Manufacturing Process of a Single-Step Fully 3D Printed Conformal Patch Antenna," presented at the 20th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eit2020), Jul. 31 - Aug. 1, 2020, Naperville, IL USA.

D. Mitra, K. S. Kamir, J. Cleveland, R. Striker, B. D. Braaten, A. Hassan, S. Ye and S. Roy, "On the Crosstalk between a Pair of Transmission Lines in the Presence of a 3D Printed Electrifi Trace," presented at the 2020 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium, Jul. 27-31, 2020 Monterey CA, USA.

J. Lewis, D. Mitra, J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "Theoretical Explanation and Prediction of Branches in Permittivity from S-parameter Values," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

J. Lewis, J. Cleveland, D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On Computing the Constitutive Parameters of a Lossless Double Positive Dielectric Layer with Branch Compensation from Frequency Tracking," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

J. Cleveland, J. Lewis, D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On the Image Analysis of Conducting Magneto-Responsive Micro-Particles for Applications in Leaky Wave Antenna Beam Steering," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

J. Cleveland, J. Lewis, D. Mitra, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On the Phase Shift of a Microstrip Transmission Line Loaded with Magneto-Responsive Conducting Micro-Particles," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

M. Nasir, U. Farooq, A. Iftikhar, M. S. Khan, A. Fida, M. F. Shafique, S. M. Sajid and B. D. Braaten, "A Novel Feeding Technique for Dielectric Resonator Antennas (DRAs) for Broader Bandwidth," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

U. Farooq, M. Nasir, A. Iftikhar, M. S. Khan, A. Fida, M. F. Shafique, S. M. Sajid and B. D. Braaten, "A Polarization Insensitive Frequency Selective Surface for Triband GSM Shielding Applications," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

A. Iftikhar, U. Farooq, A. Fida, M. F. Shafique, S. M. Asif, B. D. Braaten and C. Ulven, "A Compact UHF RFID Tag Antenna for Sub-Soil Temperature Sensing in Precision Agriculture," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.

D. Mitra, R. Striker, J. Cleveland, J. Lewis, B. D. Braaten, K. S. Kabir, S. Roy and S. Ye, "A Fully 3D-Printed Conformal Patch Antenna using Fused Filament Fabrication Method," presented at the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 5 - 10, 2020 Montreal Quebec, Canada.


J. Cleveland, D. Mitra, J. Lewis J. Allen, M. Allen and B. D. Braaten, "Development of a Sub-Unit Cell Consisting of Capacitive Gaps and Magneto-Static Particles," presented at the 2019 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID) Conference, Aug. 19-21, 2019, Miramar Beach, FL.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, U. Farooq, J. Hansen, R. Striker, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert and K. Maile, "An Experimental Procedure and Initial Results of RF Propagation in Human Subjects", presented at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 12, 2019, Atlanta GA, USA.

U. Farooq, A. Iftikhar, A. Fida, M. F. Shafique, S. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "UWB Antenna Printing on Glass Substrates Using Cost Effective Copper Foils", presented at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 12, 2019, Atlanta GA, USA.

N. S. Balaneji, D. A. Rogers and B. D. Braaten, "'An Improved Model for Static Field Micro-Particle Components on a Printed Transmission Line", presented at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 12, 2019, Atlanta GA, USA.

J. Cleveland, D. Mitra, J. Lewis, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On the Placement of Particle Containing Cylindrical Cavities in a Grounded Dielectric Substrate to Change the Impedance of a Printed Reactive Surface", presented at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 12, 2019, Atlanta GA, USA.

J. Cleveland, D. Mitra, J. Lewis, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen and M. Allen, "On Changing the Impedance of a Reactive Surface Using Magneto-Static Responsive Particles", presented at the 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 12, 2019, Atlanta GA, USA.

N. S. Balaneji, D. A. Rogers and B. D. Braaten, "New Embodiments of Static Field Micro-Particle Components", presented at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2019), Boston MA, USA, Jun. 2nd - 7th, 2019.

N. S. Balaneji, A. R. Kallmeyer, S. May and B. D. Braaten, "A 360-degree Rotatable Radio Frequency Switch (360-RS) with Embedded Conductive Micro-particles", presented at the IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2019), Boston MA, USA, Jun. 2nd - 7th, 2019.

S. Z. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "Implementation of Redundancy Techniques using 97% Carbon Content Graphene-based Conductors," presented at the 2019 Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2019), May 20-22, 2019 Brookings SD, USA

S. Z. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "On the Reliability of 97% Carbon Content Graphene-based Transmission Lines in Bending Applications and Comparison to Copper and Aluminum Conductors," presented at the 2019 Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2019), May 20-22, 2019 Brookings SD, USA

D. Mitra, R. Striker, B. D. Braaten, K. S. Kabir, A. Aqueeb and S. Roy, "A Comparative Analysis between Two Additively Manufactured Microstrip Transmission Lines using Fused Filament Fabrication Method for Radio Frequency Applications," presented at the 2019 Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2019), May 20-22, 2019 Brookings SD, USA

D. Mitra, R. Striker, B. D. Braaten, A. Aqueeb, K. S. Kabir and S. Roy, "On the Design of an Improved Model of Additively Manufactured Microstrip Transmission Lines for Radio Frequency Applications," presented at the 2019 Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2019), May 20-22, 2019 Brookings SD, USA

R. Ge, R. Striker, B. D. Braaten, "A Dual-Band CSRR Patch Antenna for Energy Harvesting," presented at the International Workshop on Antenna Technology (iWAT), Miami FL, USA, Mar. 3rd - 6th, 2019.


J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, M. Allen, J. Allen and B. Wenner, "On using Micron-Sized Silver Coated Particles to Control the Electromagnetic Response of a Metamaterial with Complementary Split Ring Resonators and Wires in a Host Dielectric," presented at the 2018 IEEE Research and Applications of Photonics in Defense (RAPID) Conference, Aug. 19-21, 2019, Miramar Beach, FL..

J. Cleveland, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen, M. Allen and B. R. Wenner, "Electromagnetic Response from a Two-Dimensional Array of Conducting Strips Inter-Connected with Columns of Silver-Coated Micron-Sized Particles," presented at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 8 - 13, 2018, Boston, MA, CA USA.

S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert and K. Maile, "A Deeply Implantable Conformal Antenna for Leadless Pacing Applications," presented at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 8 - 13, 2018, Boston, MA, CA USA.

S. Roy, S. Noghanian, M. B. Qureshi and B. D. Braaten, "On the Dielectric Permittivity of 3-D Printed Biocomposite Cubes Using Two different Coaxial Probe Measurements," presented at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 8 - 13, 2018, Boston, MA, CA USA.

S. Roy, B. Young, Y.-H. Chang, B. D. Braaten and S. Noghanian, "Effect of Locations on the 3-D Printing Bed Surface for Designing PC-ABS Based RF Circuits," presented at the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 8 - 13, 2018, Boston, MA, CA USA.


S. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "A Conformal Antenna on a Passive UHF RFID tag using 97% Carbon Content Graphene-Based Conductors and Paper Substrates," presented at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 9 - 14, 2017, San Diego, CA USA.

S. Asif, B. D. Braaten and A. Iftikhar, "Effectiveness of a Dielectric Probe Calibration using Deionized, Distilled and Tap Water," presented at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 9 - 14, 2017, San Diego, CA USA.

J. M. Parrow, A. Iftikhar, S. M. Asif, B. D. Braaten, J. W. Allen, M. S. Allen and B. R. Wenner, "On Controlling the Propagation Characteristics of Microstrip Transmission Lines using Embedded Micron-Sized Particles and Static H-Fields," presented at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 9 - 14, 2017, San Diego, CA USA.

S. Roy, M. B. Qureshi, S. Asif and B. D. Braaten, "A Model for 3D Printed Microstrip Transmission Lines using Conductive Electrifi Filament," presented at the 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 9 - 14, 2017, San Diego, CA USA.

M. B. Qureshi, S. Roy, S. Asif, S. Z. Sajal, Chad Ulven and B. D. Braaten, "On using Biocomposite Filaments to Additively Manufacture Substrates for Microstrip Transmission Lines," presented at the 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2017), May 14-17, 2017 Lincoln NE, USA.

S. Roy, M. B. Qureshi, S. Asif, S. Z. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "A Study of Microstrip Transmission Lines on Substrates Created using Additive Manufacturing and Flexible or Semi-rigid Filaments," presented at the 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology (eit2017), May 14-17, 2017 Lincoln NE, USA.

E. Swartz, J. Cleveland, L. Singelmann, J. W. Hansen, S. M. Asif, B. D. Brooks, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "RF Exposure on Primary Cell Lines," presented at the 54th Annual Rocky Mountain BioEngineering Symposium, Mar. 31 - Apr. 1, 2017, Aurora CO, USA.

E. Swartz, J. Cleveland, L. Singelmann, J. W. Hansen, S. M. Asif, B. D. Brooks, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "Characterization of an Incubator for Application in Cellular RF Exposure Testing," presented at the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Region H Conference, Ann Arbor MI, Mar. 10-12, 2017.

A. Bibi, I. Ullah, B. D. Braaten, "Performance Comparisons of Conventional and Matamaterial-Based Phase Shifters," presented at the 14th Int. Conf. on Applied Sci. and Tech. (IBCAST 2017), Jan. 10-14, 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan.


A. Bibi, I. Ullah and B. D. Braaten, "Designing Techniques for Conventional and Metamaterial-Based Phase Shifters for Broadband Applications," accepted for presentation at the 18th Int. Conf. on Advanced Material Eng. and Tech. (ICAMET 2016), Nov. 28th - 29th 2016, Dubai, UAE.

S. M. Asif, and B. D. Braaten, "Design of a Compact Implantable Rectenna for Wireless Pacing Applications," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

S. Z. Sajal, B. D. Braaten, T. Tolstedt and M. J. Schroeder, "Design of a CPW-Fed Graphene-Based Conformal Monopole on a Paper Substrate," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

A. Iftikhar, J. M. Parrow, S. M. Asif, S. Z. Sajal, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen, M. Allen and B. Wenner, "A Printed Dipole Reconfigured with Magneto-Static Responsive Structures that do not Require a Directly Connected Biasing Circuit," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

M. S. Khan, A.-D. Capobianco, S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten and R. M. Shubair, "A Properties Comparison Between Copper and Graphene-Based UWB MIMO Planar Antennas," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "Design of an Ultra-Wideband Antenna using Flexible Graphene-Based Conductor Sheets," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, J. M. Parrow, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "On Using the Electrical Characteristics of Carbon Microfibers for Designing a Monopole Antenna," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "Wave Propagation and Coupling of Graphene-Based Conductor Transmission Lines on a Conformal Surface - An Experimental Study," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

M. S. Khan, A.-D. Capobianco, S. M. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten and R. M. Shubair, "A Pattern Reconfigurable Printed Patch Antenna," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jun. 26 - Jul. 1, 2016, Fajardo, Puerto Rico.

A. Iftikhar, J. Parrow, S. Asif, B. D. Braaten, J. Allen, M. Allen and B. Wenner,"On Using Magneto-static Responsive Particles as Switching Elements to Reconfigure Microwave Filters," presented at the 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Electro/Info. Tech., May 19-21, 2016, Grand Forks ND, USA.

D. Schuette, I. Ullah, S. Nariyal, S. Khattak and B. D. Braaten, "Strong Coupling (Crosstalk) Between Printed Microstrip and Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) Loaded Transmission Lines in Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)," presented at the 2016 IEEE Int. Conf. on Electro/Info. Tech., May 19-21, 2016, Grand Forks ND, USA.

S. Z. Sajal, A. Iftikhar and B. D. Braaten, "Analysis of an Array with Graphene-Based Conductors," presented at the 2016 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Mar. 13-17, 2016, Honolulu Hawaii USA.


S. Roy, B. D. Braaten and M. Yang, "An Integrated Remote Monitoring System for Impact Responses of Aerospace Structures," presented at the IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), Dec. 14th - 16th 2015, Orlando FL, USA.

S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, “On the Design of a Circuit for Phase Compensation of Self-Adapting Conformal Arrays,” presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 2231-2232.

B. D. Braaten, S. Asif, M. S. Khan, J. Hansen and D. L. Ewert, "A Compact Printed Van Atta Array with Zero-Phase CRLH Transmission Lines," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 1856-1857.

S. Z. Sajal, B. D. Braaten and V. R. Marinov, "A Microstrip Patch Antenna Manufactured with Flexible Graphene-Based Conducting Material," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 2415-2416.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, M. N. Rafiq, B. D. Braaten, M. S. Khan, D. E. Anagnostou and T. S. Teeslink, "A Compact Multiband Microstrip Patch Antenna with U-Shaped Parasitic Elements," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 617-618.

B. D. Braaten, D. A. Rogers and R. M. Nelson, "On the Numerical Integration of Spectral Domain Immittance Functions for Multiple Printed Dipoles in Layered Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectrics," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 1812-1813.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "An Initial Study on Using Carbon Microfiber Transmission Lines in Conformal Array Networks," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 234-235.

M. S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, S. Asif, A. Iftikhar and B. D. Braaten, "A 4 Element Compact Ultra-Wideband MIMO Antenna Array," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 2305-2306.

M. S. Khan, A. - D. Capobianco, A. Iftikhar, S. Asif, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "An Electrically Small CPW Fed Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 2391-2392.

B. D. Braaten, T. Tolstedt, S. Asif, M. J. Schroeder and M. S. Khan, "On Using the Electrical Characteristics of Graphene-Based Conductors for Designing a Conformal Monopole on a Transparent Substrate," presented at the 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 19 - 25, 2015, Vancouver BC, Canada, pp. 2435-2436.

A. Iftikhar, M. M. Masud, M. N. Rafiq, S. Asif, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "Radiation Performance and Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Analysis of a Compact Dual Band Balanced Antenna", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 21 - 23, 2015, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL, USA, pp. 672-675.

M. S. Khan, A.-D. Capobianco, S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, B. D. Braaten, B. Ijaz and M. F. Shafique, "A Small Footprint Ultra-Wideband Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Antenna", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 21 - 23, 2015, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL, USA, pp. 662-666.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, S. Z. Sajal, B. D. Braaten and M. S. Khan, "On Using Graphene-Based Conductors as Transmission Lines for Feed Networks in Printed Antenna Arrays", 2015 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 21 - 23, 2015, Northern Illinois Univeristy, DeKalb IL, USA, pp. 681-683.

S. Roy, B. D. Braaten and M. Yang, "Integration of the Residual Strength Prediction Tool with Flight Management Information Systems," presented at the 2015 ND EPSCoR State Conference, April 22, 2015, Fargo ND, USA.

D. Taylor, J. Talaski, C. Kotarsky, S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, J. Wandler, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert and K. Hackney, "Occupationally Related Fitness Testing for Future Space Missions,'' presented at the 2015 ND EPSCoR State Conference, April 22, 2015, Fargo ND, USA.

S. Asif, A. Iftikhar, J. Wandler, A. Taylor, B. D. Braaten, D. L. Ewert and Kyle Hackney, "A Mobile Health System (mHealth) for Planetary Space Suit Applications," presented at the 2015 ND EPSCoR State Conference, April 22, 2015, Fargo ND, USA.

M. Pearson, J. Parrow, B. D. Braaten, J. Wandler, K. Nawarathna D. L. Ewert, "Interaction of Radio Frequency Energy and Lambda-DNA,'' 52nd Annual Rocky Mountain Bioengineering Symposium, Marriot University Park, Salt Lake City UT, Apr. 10-12, 2015.

J. Hansen, S. Asif, M. Pearson, S. Ghosh, T. Gustad, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "A Radio-Frequency Energy Procedure to Alter Cell Function and Mechanobiology," 2015 Biomedical Engineering Society Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Conference, From Womb to Tomb: Mechanobiology of Generation, Regeneration and Degeneration, January 6 - 10, 2015, Sugar Bay Resort, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands.


A. Naqvi and B. D. Braaten, "A Two-Port Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Element for Conformal Cloaking," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 1254 - 1255.

B. D. Braaten, S. Roy, Irfanullah, S. Nariyal and D. E. Anagnostou, "An Autonomous Self-Adapting Conformal Array for Cylindrical Surfaces with a Changing Radius," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 1784 - 1785.

S. Roy, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "Using Bezier Curves to Design Self-Adapting Conformal Phased-Array Antennas," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 1786 - 1787.

Irfanullah and B. D. Braaten, "Nulls of a Conformal Beamforming Array on an Arbitrary Wedge-Shaped Surface," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 1788 - 1789.

Irfanullah and B. D. Braaten, "On the Effects of a Changing Cylindrical Surface on the Nulls of a Conformal Beamforming Array," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 1790 - 1791.

B. D. Braaten, D. A. Rogers and R. M. Nelson, "On the Spectral Domain Moment Method Solution of Electric Field Integral Equations for the Analysis of Printed Dipoles in Anisotropic Layers," 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 6 - 12, 2014, Memphis, TN, pp. 2120 - 2121.

M. Maassel, B. D. Braaten and D. A. Rogers, "A Metamaterial-Based Multiband Phase Shifter," IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Jun. 5 - 7, 2014, Milwaukee, WI, USA, pp. 533-535.

S.Sajal, Y. Atanasov, B. D. Braaten, V. Marinov and O. Swenson, "A Low Cost Flexible Passive UHF RFID Tag for Sensing Moisture Based on Antenna Polarization," IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Jun. 5 - 7, 2014, Milwaukee, WI, USA, pp. 542-545 (Awarded IEEE Electro/Information Technology Conference 2014 Best Paper Award).

K. Asirvatham, B. D. Braaten, M. Reich and D. A. Rogers, "A New Wideband Segmented-Ring Antenna," IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, Jun. 5 - 7, 2014, Milwaukee, WI, USA.

B. D. Braaten, R. M. Nelson, R. G. Olsen and M. A. Mohammed, "On the Numerical Implementation of EFIEs for Problems with both Quasi-static and Full-wave Regions," Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Mar. 23-27, 2014, Jacksonville, FL, pp. 392 - 397.


I. Ullah, S. Nariyal and B. D. Braaten, "Crosstalk Between Right-Handed and Complementary Split Ring Resonator (CSRR) Transmission Lines," IMAPS NDSU Microelectronics Summit, Fargo, ND, Oct. 18, 2013.

A. Naqvi, S. Usman, S. Sajal and B. D. Braaten, "Zero Reflection Boundary using Tensor Transmission Line," IMAPS NDSU Microelectronics Summit, Fargo, ND, Oct. 18, 2013.

B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "A Metamaterial Inspired Frequency Reconfigurable Interconnect for Antenna Array Applications," IMAPS NDSU Microelectronics Summit, Fargo, ND, Oct. 18, 2013.

Y. Atanasov, S. Sajal, V. Marinov, O. Swenson and B. D. Braaten, "Disruptive Laser-Enabled Technology for MEMS Fabrication and Assembly: Electromagnetic-Enabled Switch for MEMS-based Metamaterial," IMAPS NDSU Microelectronics Summit, Fargo, ND, Oct. 18, 2013.

S. Sajal, Y. Atanasov, V. Marinov, O. Swenson and B. D. Braaten, "Moisture Sensor using the Polarization of the Dipole Antenna," IMAPS NDSU Microelectronics Summit, Fargo, ND, Oct. 18, 2013.

B. Ijaz, A. Sanyal, A. Mendoza-Radal, S. Roy, I. Ullah, M. T. Reich, D. Dawn, B. D. Braaten, N. F. Chamberlain and D. E. Anagnostou, "Gain Limits of Phase Compensated Conformal Antenna Arrays on Non-Conducting Spherical Surfaces using the Projection Method," IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), Baltimore, MD, Nov. 7-9, 2013.

S. Nariyal, I. Ullah, S. A. Naqvi, B. Ijaz, M. M. Masud, B. Booth, K. Asirvatham and B. D. Braaten, "On the Use of Amplitude Tapering for Pattern Correction of Conformal (Curved) Antennas," IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments (WiSEE), Baltimore, MD, Nov. 7-9, 2013.

M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz, A. Iftikhar, M. N. Rafiq and B. D. Braaten, "A Reconfigurable Dual-Band Metasurface for EMI Shielding of Specific Electromagnetic Wave Components," 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Aug. 5 - 9, 2013, Denver CO, pp. 640 - 644.

A. Iftikhar, M. N. Rafiq, M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz, S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, "A Dual Band Balanced Planar Inverted F Antenna (PIFA) for Mobile Applications," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 13, 2013, Orlando FL, pp. 1196-1197.

B. D. Braaten, I. Ullah, S. Nariyal, A. Naqvi, M. Iskander and D. Anagnostou, "Scanning Characteristics of a Self-Adapting Phased-Array Antenna on a Wedge-Shaped Conformal Surface," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 13, 2013, Orlando FL, pp. 1220-1221.

M. Iskander, M. Cover, M. A. Hossan, B. D. Braaten and D. Anagnostou, "Self-Adapting Flexible Antenna Array System," Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Jul. 7 - 13, 2013, Orlando FL, pp. 1056-1057.

B. D. Braaten, A. Iftikhar, M. Rafiq, A. Naqvi, S. Nariyal, A. Taylor, S. Sajal, M. Iskander and D. E. Anagnostou, "An Initial Investigation on the use of Carbon Microfibers for Conformal Transmission Lines," 2013 IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 9 - 11, 2013, Rapid City, SD, USA.

B. Ijaz, S. Roy, M. M. Masud, A. Aftikhar, S. Nariyal, I. Ullah, K. Asirvatham, B. Booth and B. D. Braaten, "A Series-fed Microstrip Patch Array with Interconnecting CRLH Transmission Lines for WLAN Applications,"7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), pp. 2023 - 2026, Apr. 12 - 18, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden.

L. Berge and B. D. Braaten, "Comparison on the Coupling Between Substrate Integrated Waveguide and Microstrip Transmission Lines for Antenna Arrays," 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), pp. 2355 - 2358, Apr. 12 - 18, 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden.


I. Ullah, S. Nariyal, S. Roy, M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz, A. Aftikhar, S. A. Naqvi and B. D. Braaten, "A Note on the Fundamental Maximum Gain Limit of the Projection Method for Conformal Phased Array Antennas," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, Maui, Hawaii, November 11th - 16th, 2012.

B. D. Braaten, S. Roy, I. Ullah, S. Nariyal, B. Ijaz, M. M. Masud, S. A. Naqvi and A. Iftikhar, "A Cascaded Reconfigurable RH/CRLH-Zero-Phase Microstrip Transmission Line Unit Cell," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, Maui, Hawaii, November 11th - 16th, 2012.

M. A. Iskander, R. Li, D. E. Anagnostou, M. T. Chryssomallis and B. D. Braaten, "A Corporate Fed Coplanar Folded Slot Antenna Array and its Application for Beam Steering," Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chicago, IL, July 2012.

B. D. Braaten, M. A. Aziz, S. Roy, S. Nariyal, N. F. Chamberlain and D. E. Anagnostou, "Half-Power Beamwidth of a Self-Adapting Conformal 1 x 4 Microstrip Array," Proceedings of the2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Chicago, IL, July 2012. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

L. A. Berge, M. Reich, M. A. Aziz, and B. D. Braaten, "Tuning a Dual-band Bowtie Slot Antenna with Parabolic Radiating Slots for the 900 MHz and 2400 MHz Bands," Proceedings of the 2012 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Prague, Czech. Republic, March 26 - 30, 2012, pp. 2376-2379. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

M. A. Aziz, S. Roy, L. A. Berge, I. Ullah and B. D. Braaten, "A Conformal CPW Folded Slot Antenna Array Printed on a Kapton Substrate," Proceedings of the 2012 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Prague, Czech. Republic, March 26 - 30, 2012, pp. 159-162. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, S. Roy, S. Nariyal, M. A. Aziz, B. Ijaz and M. M. Masud, "A Metamaterial-based Series Connected Rectangular Patch Array for UHF RFID Readers," Proceedings of the 2012 European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP), Prague, Czech. Republic, March 26 - 30, 2012, pp. 3164-3167. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

I. Ullah, Sanjay Nariyal, S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, "Analysis on the Coupling Between Right-Handed and CRLH Transmission Lines," 2012 NDSU/UND/SDSU Research Summit, Grand Forks, ND, April 23, 2012.

S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, "A Self-Adapting Array for Shape Changing Conformal Surfaces," 2012 NDSU/UND/SDSU Research Summit, Grand Forks, ND, April 23, 2012.

M. M. Masud, B. Ijaz and B. D. Braaten, "A Compact Dual-Band EMI Metasurface Shield with a Tunable Polarized Lower Band," 2012 NDSU/UND/SDSU Research Summit, Grand Forks, ND, April 23, 2012.

S. Roy and B. D. Braaten, "Design of a Small Wearable Conformal Phased Array Antenna for Wireless Communications,"3rd Annual NDSU Graduate and Arts Forum, Fargo, ND, April 4, 2012.


D. A. Rogers and B. D. Braaten, "The Graduate Course in Electromagnetics: Integrating the Past, Present and Future," Proceedings of the 2011 ASEE North Midwest Regional Conference, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, October 2011. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

J. Anderson, K. Johnson, C. Satterlee, A. Lynch and B. D. Braaten, "A Reduced Frequency Printed Quasi-Yagi Antenna Symmetrically Loaded with Meander Open Complementary Split Ring Resonator (MOCSRR) Elements," Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Spokane, WA, July 2011. (Presentation: pdf, power point)


S. Liu, H. Li and B. D. Braaten, "Network Coverage in Multicarrier Broadcast System," Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference, Miami, Florida, USA, December 6-10, 2010.

J. T. Anderson, M. R. Weisz, J. A. Meyer, D. L. Hanson, B. D. Braaten and D. A. Rogers, "A Cost Effective Antenna Positioning System for Modern Radio-Frequency (RF) and Microwave Antenna Measurements," Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE North Midwest Regional Conference, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN, October 2010. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten and D. A. Rogers, "Ongoing Development of a Modern Radio-Frequency (RF) and Microwave Engineering Laboratory," Proceedings of the 2010 ASEE North Midwest Regional Conference, Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN, October 2010. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, M. A. Aziz, M. J. Schroeder and H. Li, "Meander Open Complementary Split Ring Resonator (MOCSRR) Particles Implemented Using Coplanar Waveguides," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Wireless Information Technology and Systems, Honolulu, Hawaii, Aug. 28 - Sep. 3, 2010. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, D. E. Anagnostou and K. W. Whites, “Mutual Coupling Between Coax-Fed Rectangular Microstrip Antennas Embedded in Layered Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectrics,” Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Toronto, Canada, July 2010. (Presentation: pdf, power point)


B. D. Braaten, D. A. Rogers and R. M. Nelson, “Current Distribution of a Printed Dipole with Arbitrary Length Embedded in Layered Uniaxial Anisotropic Dielectrics,” Proceedings of the 2009 International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference, Belem, Brazil, November, 2009, pp. 72-77 (invited paper). (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, R. M. Nelson and D. A. Rogers, “Mutual Coupling Between Broadside Printed Dipoles Embedded in Stratified Anisotropic Dielectrics,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Charleston, SC, June 2009. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

G. J. Owen, B. D. Braaten, D. Vaselaar, R. M. Nelson, C. B.-Reich, J. Glower, M. Reich and A. Reinholz, “On the Effect of Mutual Coupling on LF and UHF Tags Implemented in Dual Frequency RFID Applications,” Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Charleston, SC, June 2009. (Presentation: pdf, power point)


B. D. Braaten, R. M. Nelson and Y. Feng, “A New Equivalent Circuit Extraction Method for Quasi-static Regions,”  Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on  Antennas and Propagation, San Diego, CA, July 2008 (student paper finalist). (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, G. J. Owen, D. Vaselaar, R. M. Nelson, C. B.-Reich, J. Glower, B. Morlock, M. Reich and A. Reinholz, “A Printed Rampart-Line Antenna with a Dielectric Superstrate for UHF RFID Applications,”  Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Conference on RFID, Las Vegas, NV, April 2008. (Presentation: pdf, power point)


R. M. Nelson and B. D. Braaten, “Computational Electromagnetics in Electrical Engineering at NDSU,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE North Midwest Regional Conference, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, September 2007.


Y. Feng, B. D. Braaten and R. M. Nelson, “Analytical Expressions for Small Loop Antennas – With Application to EMC and RFID Systems,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Portland, OR, August 2006. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

B. D. Braaten, Y. Feng and R. M. Nelson, “High-Frequency RFID Tags: An Analytical and Numerical Approach for Determining the Induced Currents and Scattered Fields,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Portland, OR, August 2006. (Presentation: pdf, power point)

Book Chapters

A. Aqueeb, M. Yang, B. D. Braaten, E. Burczek and S. Roy (2020), "A Real-Time and Wireless Structural Health Monitoring Scheme for Aerospace Structures using Fiber Bragg Grating Principles," Photonics, Plasmonics and Information Optics: Research and Technical Advances, CRC Press (Invited).

I. Ullah, S. Khattak and B. D. Braaten (2020), "Broadside Pattern Correction Techniques for Conformal Antenna Arrays," Array Pattern Optimization, Dr. E. Aksoy (Ed.), INTECH Publishing.

M. M. Masud and B. D. Braaten (2013), ''Design of Zeroth Order Resonator UHF RFID Passive Tag Antenna with Capacitive Loaded Coplanar Waveguide Structures,'' Radio Frequency Identification from System to Applications, Dr. M. I. B. Reaz (Ed.), INTECH Publishing.

B. D. Braaten and M. A. Aziz (2011). "Using Metamaterial-Based Coplanar Waveguide Structures for the Design of Antennas on Passive UHF RFID Tags," Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications, Steven Preradovic (Ed.), INTECH Publishing.

B. D. Braaten, G. J. Owen and R M. Nelson (2010). "Design of Space-Filling Antennas for Passive UHF RFID Tags, Radio Frequency Identification Fundamentals and Applications Design Methods and Solutions," Radio Frequency Identification Fundamentals and Applications, Cristina Turcu (Ed.), INTECH Publishing.

B. D. Braaten and R. P. Scheeler (2010). "Design of Passive UHF RFID Tag Antennas Using Metamaterial-Based Structures and Techniques, Radio Frequency Identification Fundamentals and Applications Design Methods and Solutions," Radio Frequency Identification Fundamentals and Applications, Cristina Turcu (Ed.), INTECH Publishing.

Papers Being Revised-Long Term for Possible Submission Again

J. W. Hansen, B. Stevens, S. M. Asif, L. Singelmann, S. Ghosh, C. Doetkott, B. Brooks, B. D. Braaten and D. L. Ewert, "Evidence for Radio Frequency (RF) Inducible Gene Transcription: the RF Inducible Gene Transistor," submitted for review in the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.

M. S. Khan, A. Iftikhar, A. D. Capobianco, A. Fida, B. D. Braaten, R. M. Shubair and D. E. Anagnostou, "Ultra-Compact Polarization Diversity Angularly Placed 4X4 UWB-MIMO Antenna with Band Rejection Capabilitiy," submitted for review in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters.

M. Raza, M. Ahsan, S. A. Naqvi and B. D. Braaten, "Dual-Phase Steady-State Cloaking and Concentration Using Transformation Media," submitted for review in Physica Scripta.

R. Tariq, A. Raza, S. A. Naqvi, M. Raza, B. D. Braaten, D. E. Anagnostou and W. B. Alonazi, "Compact Implantable Antenna Design for Biotelemetry Applications Operating at ISM," submitted for review in Applied Sciences.

R. Striker, Y. Zhang, M. Disu, A. Peckrul, E. Monono, X. Sun, B. Chen and B. D. Braaten, "Modular System and Experimental Procedure for Microwave Measurement of Plant Materials and Grains," submitted for review in AgriEngineering.