Women's Activist Organization (WAO)

WAO is a student organization focused on feminist activism that collaborates with the campus and community. For more information click here.
Body Project

The Body Project is a dissonance-based body-acceptance program designed to help college-age women resist cultural pressures to conform to the appearance ideal standard of female beauty and reduce their pursuit of unrealistic bodies.
Trained peer leaders facilitate conversation related to personal experiences with body image, discuss how culture and society impact the way you feel about your own body, and challenge “Negative Body Talk” while learning how to respond. The Body Project is a space to learn about positive body image and to feel empowered and confident in your own skin!
Violence Prevention Educators

Violence Prevention Educators (VPE's) are current NDSU students who volunteer their time to work with the campus community on awareness and prevention of power based personal violence with a focus on sexual violence, dating violence and stalking. VPEs attend regular training to be able to lead conversations on consent, healthy relationships, and sexual assault to name a few. VPEs are also instrumental in implementing campus wide events like Take Back the Night and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
Medley is a group focused on connecting women in STEM fields to resources and networking opportunities. We help women achieve their goals both educationally and career wise. The goal is to help women in STEM learn about existing resources, create new resources, as well as to build a community of women in STEM for support. Medley aims to fill the gap for females in STEM – especially in fields that do not have a large female population at NDSU.
Those interested can find Medley on myNDSU.