Carrington REC
The Carrington Research Extension Center conducts research and educational programs to enhance the productivity, competitiveness, and diversity of agriculture in central North Dakota.

Research effort focuses on dryland and irrigated crop production practices, crop germplasm evaluation and improvement, crop fertility and crop nutrition, soil health and resource improvement, plant disease control and management, evaluation of new agricultural technologies, cropping systems and crop rotation research, crop-livestock nutrient management, integration of crop and livestock production, beef cattle feeding, feedlot management, intensive cow/calf production, growing and finishing traits, carcass data and meat quality, sustainable agriculture practices, foundation seedstocks production, and fruit and berry production.
The central location of the Carrington Center is significant in that research programs address research needs representing a significant part of agriculture in North Dakota.
Our weekly newsletter, Center Points, features information about the research and events at Carrington REC.