Sangita C. Sinha


Research Interest(s):

Research in the Sinha group focuses on understanding host defenses against pathogens, the cross-regulation of these defenses and the evasion of these defenses by pathogens in atomic detail. Our goal is to obtain a detailed yet comprehensive picture of host-pathogen interactions, to facilitate the rational development of therapeutics. Our immediate focus is the mechanism of two such pathways: Autophagy and cytoplasmic receptor-triggered innate immune pathways; as well as the inhibition of these pathways by viruses. While the X-ray crystal structure determination of proteins and protein complexes is the center of our research focus, we use a broad range of techniques including mutagenesis, biochemical and spectroscopic assays, and cell-based methods to supplement and confirm the knowledge we obtain from our structural analyses.

External Links:

Additional Information/Website
List of Publications​​​​​​​

Contact Information:
Office: QBB 364
Phone: 701-231-5658
Purdue University
Howard Hughes Medical Institute - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
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