Ph.D. in Exercise Science and Nutrition

The HNES Department offers a Ph.D. program in Exercise Science and Nutrition. For more information and details regarding the program, please contact the graduate coordinator, Dr. Elizabeth Hilliard .
Graduate Faculty eligible to mentor Ph.D. students: Dr. Bryan Christensen, Dr. Shannon David, Dr. Matt Derscher, Dr. Nathan Dicks, Dr. Marty Douglas, Dr. Julie Garden-Robinson, Dr. Kyle Hackney, Dr. Elizabeth Hilliard, Dr. Seugmin Kang, Dr. Ryan McGrath, Dr. Yeong Rhee, Dr. Kelsey Slater, Dr. Sherri Stastny, Dr. Brad Strand, Dr. Joel White and Dr. Joshua Wooldridge.
Gerontology Ph.D. (Dual-Major): Exercise Science and Nutrition offer a dual-major Ph.D. with Gerontology.
Admission Requirements
Of the qualified Ph.D. applicants we receive, we expect to admit up to five students per year, based on the capacity of our current faculty. In addition to the core faculty members in HNES who will advise students and participate in this program, there are faculty inside and outside of the department whose research interests mesh well with the program.
Admission requirement for the students with a Master's degree
- Completion of a Master's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science.
- Cumulative graduate GPA of 3.00 or higher.
- The GRE is not required for this program. However, if you have GRE scores please attach them in the NDSU graduate application portal to strengthen your application to the program.
- At least one graduate course in statistics and one course in research methods, with grades of B or higher in each.
- A completed thesis or research paper.
- For international students, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (Internet-based). The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5. We are accepting the Duolingo for 2021. Our minimum score is 100.
- Agreement to be advised by current HNES graduate faculty member.
Admission requirements for students without an earned Master's degree
- Completion of a Bachelor's degree from an accredited university in field closely related to Nutrition, Health, Dietetics, Kinesiology, or Exercise Science.
- Cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher.
- The GRE is not required for this program. However, if you have GRE scores please attach them in the NDSU graduate application portal to strengthen your application to the program.
- At least one statistics course or research methods course with grades of B or higher.
- For international students, a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 79 (Intranet-based). The minimum IELTS score required is 6.5.
- Agreement to be advised by current HNES graduate faculty member.
Ph.D. Program Application Information and Requirements
The application process is online through the Graduate School Homepage. Applications that are received and complete by March 15th will be given priority for fall semester. Applications that are received and complete after March 15th will be reviewed through August 1st for consideration for fall semester.
For information PhD in Exercise and Nutrition program requirements, curriculum, HNES course rotations, and information on comprehensive examinations, dissertation proposals, dissertation defenses, and the final dissertation document please explore the PhD Exercise and Nutrition Handbook below:
PhD Exercise and Nutrition Handbook
Need more information? Please fill out our graduate interest form link below.