Sport Management

The sport management (SM) major is a four-year full-time program of study that is designed to prepare students to excel in the sport industry. SM students are guided through coursework and hands-on experiences within the sport industry that allow each student to focus on the ever-changing intricacies of the sport environment from multiple contexts. Within the curriculum, students are encouraged to explore the area(s) of sport they are most interested in, ranging anywhere from local non-profits to national and international professional franchises.
SM (Major) and Business Admin (Minor)
The SM degree is designed to prepare students for employment in local, state, regional, national or international level sporting and recreation organizations. The curriculum covers 50 credit hours in total and includes a Minor in Business Administration (24 credits) to enhance the employment prospect of each student.
Career Opportunities
NDSU SM graduates are employed in a variety of sport and recreation occupations. Graduates should expect to work in (but are not limited to) local, state, regional, national or international level organizations and businesses. Since the inception of the eSports lab in the Student (Memorial) Union on campus, we have worked closely to ensure students with an interest with eSports are able to obtain necessary skills with professionally-outfitted equipment and through educational opportunities.
In light of the interdisciplinary nature of our program study options, career opportunities beyond the sport management or recreation management fields are feasible.
Pre-Sport Management and Sport Management Program
The pre-sport management program courses in the freshman and sophomore years are designed to prepare students for additional undergraduate work in the subsequent upper-division sport management courses during their junior and senior years.
To be accepted into the Sport Management Program, a student must:
-Have reached 50 credits in total,
-Have a grade of B or better in HNES 190,
-Successfully complete ECON 105 and ACCT 102 with a collective GPA of 2.5 or higher across both classes (a student CANNOT receive a D in either course),
-Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 for all classes by the end of the sophomore year (reaching 50 credits minimum),
-Complete 40 hours of sport-related volunteer work,
-Maintain an active role in the Sport Management Association.
An application for the sport management program will be accepted by the SM Program Coordinator as soon as requirements are met at the end of each academic semester. It is highly recommended all students review the student handbook and all communications from the SM Program Coordinator prior to applying for the program. If a student is accepted into the program, they will be required to meet with the Program Coordinator to review and sign that they have read the student handbook.
Watch an informational video about the program put together by the sport management Student Association group.
The SM internship is the capstone course for all SM majors. Students participating in an internship will undertake 516 hours of on-the-job training experience across 12 class credits (43 hours per credit). In consultation with the student's adviser, each student is required to secure their own internship. Past internship placement sites include local, regional, national and international organizations. For further information, students are encouraged to review the internship information link provided.
If you are seeking information regarding any of the HNES undergraduate programs that you cannot find on our website or have specific questions about our undergraduate programs, please contact Robert Dirk, Academic Advisor for HNES, by phone (701) 231-9848 or via e-mail at .