Keep this page bookmarked as a checklist as you prepare for your studies at NDSU.
Activate your IT Accounts

After you are admitted to NDSU, follow the instructions on the following page to activate your N.D. University system account, email account, and NDSU electronic ID (soon to be 'Bison Login').
Your IT accounts allow you access to your email account and to Campus Connection, the system students use to apply for housing, register for classes, purchase parking permits, view account balances and more.
- Go here to complete these steps: https://kb.ndsu.edu/99739
- You will need your student ID number (or 'EMPLID').
Immigration & Entry to the U.S.

Visit our Requesting your I-20 or DS-2019 page for more information on this important step.
Sign Up for On-Campus Housing and Meal Plans

Apply for on-campus housing and select your meal plan. First-year students are required to live on campus. The residence hall or apartment contract information is viewable at https://www.ndsu.edu/reslife. The contract requires a $100 room reservation fee. Since hall placement is based on the date applications are received, you are encouraged to submit your contract early for a better chance of living in your first hall of choice.
NDSU Dining operates three dining centers and offers a 7-Day Meal Plan and a 5-Day Meal Plan. You will select your preferred meal plan when you complete the on-campus housing application.
If you have a disability that requires special accommodations for residence halls or dining services, contact Disability Services at (701) 231-8463.
When can I enroll in classes?

Students at NDSU are allowed to enroll at certain times depending on student classification (level of study). Please see this page to find out when your approximate "Appointment Time" (or date of registration) may be. New international students also can wait until their arrival to register.
Are you an Exchange/Affiliate student?
If you are an undergraduate J-1 exchange/affiliate student here for a semester or year, please remember to see this page for important tips: https://www.ndsu.edu/international/iss/new/next_steps/exchange/
Read about our Required Orientation
A mandatory orientation session for new international students will be held prior to the beginning of the semester. All students are required to attend this session in order to register for classes. To learn about other pre-arrival resources and exact dates, times and locations of orientation, visit https://www.ndsu.edu/international/iss/new/orientation/.