Communication Call Center
The 24/7 University Police Communications Call Center is located in the University Police and Safety Building, 1523 12 Ave N. All crimes and public safety related incidents should be reported immediately by calling the University Police Communications Call Center at (701)231-8998. In response to a call, University Police Communications Call Center staff will take the required action, either by dispatching an officer to the caller’s location or asking the caller to report to the University Police Department to file an incident report. If assistance is required from the Fargo Police Department or the Fargo fire Department, the University Police Communications Call Center will contact the appropriate unit.
Other duties of the University Police Communications Call Center include answering the 24/7 campus information telephone line, facilities alarm reporting and response, monitoring the centralized surveillance system, and operation of the Campus Emergency Notification Systems (CENS).

Bobbi Ruziska
Associate Director
Police Compliance and Communications
(701) 231-8305