LGBTQ+ Roommate Matching

NDSU Residence Life is committed to providing a safe and inclusive learning environment for all students who live on campus. The LGBTQ+ Roommate Matching process is a resource for students who would prefer a roommate who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, or is an ally. 


"The LGBTQ+ matching process really helped alleviate the fears I had of my roommate not accepting me for who I am," Ana.

"There were many things I found helpful and positive about the signup process. There was a box to click if you don't want your parents to know you are using that specific service. For me personally, this gave me some peace of mind because my parents are not accepting. Another thing that gave me peace of mind coming into NDSU was knowing my roommate wouldn't treat me differently because of my sexual orientation. ... Knowing there was this service for me to use helped give me some peace of mind." Ben

Request Form

Before completing this form, consider the following:

  • The content in this form is confidential. 
  • The LGBTQ+ Roommate Matching Form should be submitted by March 1 fall semester roommate matches.
  • Forms received after March 1 will be matched on a case-by-case basis and may not utilize My College Roomie. 
  • Outreach will be made through the preferred method of communication as noted on the form. 
  • LGBTQ+ Roommate Matching is optional and serves as a tool to assist in identifying a roommate. Students may choose to identify their own roommate at any time. 
  • If you already know who you would like as a roommate you may not need to utilize this process.

LGBTQ+ Roommate Matching Form



Madison Moen, Information Systems Specialist
Phone: (701) 231-8399


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