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Plant Disease Diagnosis


The NDSU Plant Diagnostic Lab strives to provide timely and accurate plant disease diagnoses and research-based recommendations. Our lab analyzes plant and soil samples for pathogen/biotic and abiotic disorders. NDSU PDL also conducts phytosanitary testing in support of ND Department of Agriculture (Plant Industries Division).

For ND residents, NDSU Extension has an office in every county staffed with extension agents ready to assist in identifying plant or pest issues. Should the agents encounter challenges in diagnosing the problem or if testing services are required, they promptly forward the sample to PDL for further analysis.

Find the NDSU Extension county office closest to you

Our lab accepts samples from across the United States; however, if you reside outside of North Dakota, we recommend reaching out your local Extension office or a diagnostic lab/clinic within your state for assistance.

Please refer to the sample submission guidelines below before submitting samples.

Diagnostic Sample Submission Form


Services and Fees
General Sample Submission Guidelines