Laura Aldrich-Wolfe
Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences
restoration ecology; conservation biology; fungal community ecology
Amitava Chatterjee
Associate Professor in Soil Science
Soil carbon; fertility; sugarbeet; corn; greenhouse gas emissions
Larry Cihacek
Professor in Soil Science
soil fertility; plant nutrition; sustainable agriculture; soil and water conservation
Xinhua Jia
Professor in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Director of ND Water Resources Research Institute
irrigation and drainage; evapotranspiration; hydrology; water quality
Benjamin Laabs
Associate Professor in Biological Sciences
quaternary geology; glacial geology; cosmogenic nuclides; paleoclimate; surface processes
Trung Le
Trung Le
Assistant Professor in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
hydraulics; fluid mechanics; numerical methods for fluid-structure interaction
Zhulu Lin
Zhulu Lin
Associate Professor in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
soil and water resources management; environmental modeling
John McEvoy
John McEvoy
Professor and Department Head of Microbiological Sciences
parasitology; environmental microbiology
Peter Oduor
Peter Oduor
Professor in Geosciences
spatial analysis; environmental management; satellite image analysis; geoinformation
Marinus Otte
Marinus Otte
Professor in Biological Sciences
botany; ecosystem ecology; biogeochemistry; environmental engineering
Bernhardt Saini-Eidukat
Professor in Chemistry & Biochemistry
geochemistry; mineralogy; petrology; ore deposits; environmental geology