NDSU has so many services and tools that can help your student succeed! We've put them all here for easier navigation. Encourage your student to utilize these resources.
Available Resources
This site is designed to assist faculty and professional advisers when advising students by providing, in one location, those resources most useful on academic policies/procedures, registration, curricular requirements, and dates & deadlines.
The following provides information on important registration, financial aid, and account payment dates and deadlines throughout the academic school year.
ACE (Academic Collegiate Enhancement)
ACE Tutoring and Quiet Study is a free academic support program available to all enrolled undergraduate students. Whether you would like help understanding a course concept, want to find a study group, or simply just need a quiet place to study, ACE would like to help you meet your academic goals.
As a teaching service, we provide free, one-on-one writing consultations for members of the NDSU community who seek to improve their writing skills. For assistance with long personal documents (such as novels), we can provide a list of editors-for-hire.
Center for Accessibility and Disability Resources
The Center for Accessibililty and Disability Resources assists both students with disabilities, and faculty and staff working with students with disabilities.
The Main Library supports the learning and research needs of the students and faculty of North Dakota State University. It also serves the greater North Dakota State University community and general public.
Rising Scholars Peer Mentoring
Individualized support from a peer mentor who connects students with campus resources and assists with developing goal setting, time management and study skills.
The Federal TRIO Programs are educational opportunity outreach programs designed to motivate and support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes four outreach and support programs targeted to serve and assist low-income, first-generation college students, and students with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to post-baccalaureate programs. TRIO Programs at NDSU are administered through the Student Success Programs department.
Campus Involvement
- Clubs in your major can help students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world settings.
- Helps to unite students and faculty with common interests, which can strengthen professional ties and builds a sense of community.
- Allows students to interact in a non-formal atmosphere to strengthen leadership and communication skills.
- Allows interaction with your community or other professionals in your interest areas.
The Office of Student Engagement is here to advance the mission of North Dakota State University and the Memorial Union by engaging and empowering student potential so as to foster personal leadership development, diversity appreciation, and positive social and personal growth.
Campus Recreation & Intramural Sports
The Wellness Center's Intramural Sports program gives students, staff, and faculty the opportunity to participate in a variety of intramural activities throughout the academic year.
Dining, Housing, and Parking
The mission of NDSU Dining is to create the highest quality of dining and food related experiences which will enhance the educational and social environment for our students, the university, and community.
The Department of Residence Life supports students by providing a vibrant, healthy place to live and learn.
The mission of facilities management is to help plan, create, maintain and operate an environment conducive to learning and research, all of which is to be accomplished through the most economical means possible.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships ensures student knowledge and access to financial aid programs which enable them to pursue their educational objectives at North Dakota State University. The specialized services provided by our office are sensitive to student needs with emphasis on quality, accuracy, and efficiency. In collaboration with the Division of Academic Affairs enhances a learning environment that supports student growth.
NDSU's Customer Account Services facilitates the processes used for assessing and collecting tuition, fees and other costs of attendance. In addition Customer Account Services assists students with questions about their accounts, provides information on all charges and payments, processes payments and refunds, provides short-term loans to qualifying candidates, facilitates payment plans, processes tuition waivers, and manages student account related holds.
Health & Safety
The mission of the Counseling Center is to encourage individuals to develop their unique potential by providing services and programs in a supportive environment. The NDSU Counseling Center provides a confidential setting in which students may explore concerns of a personal, or academic nature; makes referrals; and serves as consultants for faculty and staff. Students in counseling can explore a variety of concerns which may prevent them from functioning at their optimum levels.
The mission of the Student Health Service is to provide access to quality and effective healthcare.
University Police & Safety Office
The University Police and Safety Office provides professional services and resources to help the campus be a safe and secure environment while being prepared to respond to the emergency service needs of the community. To accomplish this, the department serves as the lead institutional unit responsible for safety and security, law enforcement, risk management and emergency preparedness and response.
NDSU Personal Safety and Security Assist is a service of the University Police and Safety Office that uses a smartphone security app called Pathlight to enhance student safety.
The Wellness Center is dedicated to developing and promoting opportunities for individuals of the University Community to incorporate the 7 Dimensions of Wellness into their lifestyle.
Visitor and Travel Information
Want to visit the Fargo-Moorhead area? This link will provide you with hotel information, attractions, festivals, restaurants, shopping, directions, and an event calendar.
Where to Stay While Visiting NDSU
Find a number of hotels in the area that have an NDSU discounted rate.