Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE)
Executive Officers 2023-2024

President:  Jacob Schwarz

Vice President: Matt Scott

Treasurer/Secretary:  Jason Denny



Advisor: Lokesh Narayanan
Phone:  701.231.8071

About IIE

IISE is the world’s largest professional society dedicated solely to the support of the industrial engineering profession and individuals involved with improving quality and productivity. Founded in 1948, IIE is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the application, education, training, research, and development of industrial engineering


To provide knowledge, training, networking opportunities and recognition to enhance the skills and effectiveness of the industrial engineering profession and those individuals involved with improving quality and productivity


To be the premier organization that advances, promotes and unites the industrial engineering profession globally and one of the leading professional engineering organizations in the world

Here are some of the many benefits of joining our student chapter of IISE.

  • Activities and events
  • Plant tours
  • Guest speakers from the profession
  • Publications, such as IIE Solution's Magazine
  • Networking
  • Conferences
  • Leadership opportunities
  • And much more!

Link to IISE Homepage:

Link to IISE membership page:

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