Hollie Mackey has been named the CEO of the regional National Science Foundation North Dakota Advanced Agriculture Technology Engine partnership, Food systems Adapted for Resiliency and Maximized Security (FARMS).
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to announce that Dr. Hollie J. Mackey will be appointed to the position of FARMS Chief Executive Officer. FARMS (Food Systems Adapted for Resiliency and Maximized Security) is a recently-funded National Science Foundation Engine program that brings together partners across North Dakota to solve food insecurity with cross-cultural engagement through Ag-Tech innovation.
Dr. Mackey has been serving in the role of FARMS Chief Strategy Officer since February 2024. During this time, she played an instrumental role in building structures and processes, reinforcing relationships and direction, and setting the strategy for a successful launch of FARMS. In this permanent leadership role, Dr. Mackey will be a vital supporter and connector for the partnerships that make this initiative so unique and powerful. She has often expressed to me how proud she is to work with the FARMS core partners which include: NDSU, The FMWF Chamber of Commerce, The North Dakota Tribal College System, Grand Farm, and the FM Economic Development Corporation
Dr. Mackey brings a range of experiences to this position. She has held faculty appointments at NDSU and the University of Oklahoma. In 2022, she was a Presidential Appointee and served as the Executive Director for the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence and Economic Opportunity for Native Americans and Strengthening Tribal Colleges and Universities. Her scholarship includes the examination of the effects of structural inequity in Indigenous and other marginalized populations in educational leadership and public policy. She was instrumental in drawing attention to the inclusion of the centuries-old Tribal agricultural expertise into the FARMS grant proposal and solidifying partnerships for future work.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Vice President Greg Lardy and members of the search committee for holding a national search and the members of our campus community who were able to engage in the process.
Please join me in congratulating Dr. Mackey!
Thank you,
David Cook
North Dakota State University