Jan. 22, 2015

Poster contest promotes sun safety


The NDSU Extension Service, NDSU Extension's Center for 4-H Youth Development and the North Dakota Academy of Dietetics are sponsoring an "Eat Smart. Play Hard. Together" poster contest based on a sun safety theme. Posters will be judged in two age divisions: preteen (ages 8 to 12) and teen (ages 13 to 19). 

Winners in both age divisions will receive $50 for first place, $35 for second place and $15 for third place. All entrants will receive a certificate of recognition and a small prize. 

The poster must relate to sun safety. That could include urging people to wear sunscreen, a hat, shirt or other protective clothing and sunglasses when they're outside or encouraging them not to go to a tanning salon. The posters also could emphasize the importance of physical activity and the fun activities you can enjoy in the sun.

Visit http://www.ndcancercoalition.org or http://www.ndsu.edu/eatsmart to learn more.

Entries must be postmarked by March 15. They should be dropped off at the Center for 4-H Youth Development at NDSU or mailed to the Center for 4-H Youth Development, Attn: Eat Smart. Play Hard. Poster Contest Entry, 219 FLC, NDSU Dept. 7280, P.O. Box 6050, Fargo, ND 58108-6050.

Visit http://tinyurl.com/ESPHpostercontest and scroll down to "Eat Smart. Play Hard. Poster Contest" for contest rules and the entry form.

"Eat Smart. Play Hard." is a U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service initiative that focuses on making America's children healthier. It provides practical suggestions to help children and their caregivers eat a healthful diet and maintain an active lifestyle.

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