Dec. 23, 2008

Meister’s class publishes article


Graduate students from a class instructed by Mark Meister, associate professor of communication, with the assistance of Amy O’Connor, assistant professor of communication, have written an article for the journal, Qualitative Research Reports. The title of the article is "Political Participation, Efficacy and the 2008 Minnesota Presidential Caucuses."

The authors are Robert Becker, Najla Amundson, Dana Anderson, Nana Sajaia, Kristina Wenzel, Muhabbat Yakubova and Ronald Frannea.

The purpose of this study was to learn why Minnesota residents participated in the presidential caucus on Super Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008. Interviews with participants revealed that while some participated because they thought the election was unique, most participated because of a sense of duty, the belief they could make a difference, participation, support for a candidate or concern for the country.

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