Sept. 25, 2015

NDSU enforces parking restriction near ag research field plot


During last Saturday’s Bison football game, 111 parking tickets were distributed to individuals who parked along the roads of the NDSU field plots west of campus.  NDSU uses these plots for extensive agricultural research, and motor vehicle traffic can cause serious disruption to this research resulting in damage to the projects.
There is a no parking sign for this area posted west of 18th St.  However, if vehicles entered via Centennial Blvd., drivers would not have seen the sign. Therefore, all 111 parking tickets will be waived or refunded if already paid.
For future games, improved signage and barricades will more clearly protect this area, and violators will be ticketed.  
NDSU makes all of its parking lots south of 17th Ave. available to the public for free parking during Bison football games.

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