Feb. 17, 2009

Bison Ambassadors announce 2009 Apple Polishers


Bison Ambassadors honored 28 NDSU faculty and staff members during Apple Polisher Week, Feb. 9-13. The Apple Polisher program honors NDSU faculty and staff who have made an exceptional impact on a student’s college experience. Each Bison Ambassador selected a recipient and brought them a special gift each day of the week.

The honorees are:
Judy Ary, health, nutrition and exercise sciences
Dave Bass, elementary education
Katherine Bertolini, education
Muriel Brown, English
Jakelle Cornell, Alumni Center
Jim Coykendall, mathematics
Amy Du, Dining Services
Ranelle Engels, Registrar’s Office
Charles Fountaine, health, nutrition and exercise sciences
Trish Gegelman, education
Paul Gleye, architecture and landscape architecture
Amy Graff, Memorial Union
Heldur Hakk, chemistry and molecular biology
Joel Hanson, engineering and architecture
Kent Kapplinger, visual arts
Stephanie Martin, Alumni Center
Prakash Mathew, vice president for student affairs
Paul Nelson, communication
Amy O’Connor, communication
Amber Raile, communication
Wanda Roden, pharmacy practice
Jim Ross, Information Technology Services
Jen Sondag, communication
Wenfang Sun, chemistry and molecular biology
Sara Tanke, pharmacy, nursing, and allied sciences
Kevin Thompson, criminal justice and political science
Christina Weber, sociology
Tai Yun, communication

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