March 23, 2018

NDSU earns Arbor Day Foundation recognition


NDSU has been recognized with 2017 Tree Campus USA honors by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

“It’s important for employees, visitors and prospective and current students to create landscaping that help produce a vibrant atmosphere. Trees achieve this and it’s great that NDSU is recognized again for these accomplishments,” said Michael Ellingson, NDSU Facilities Management director.

Tree Campus USA honors colleges and universities for effective campus forest management and for engaging staff and students in conservation goals. NDSU achieved the title by meeting Tree Campus USA’s five standards – maintaining a tree advisory committee, a campus tree-care plan, dedicated annual expenditures for its campus tree program, an Arbor Day observance and student service-learning project.

“Students are eager to volunteer in their communities and become better stewards of the environment,” said Matt Harris, Arbor Day Foundation chief executive officer. “Participating in Tree Campus USA sets a fine example for other colleges and universities, while helping to create a healthier planet for us all.”

A total of 344 campuses across the United States have received the designation.

The Arbor Day Foundation has helped campuses plant thousands of trees, and Tree Campus USA colleges and universities invested more than $48 million in campus forest management last year.

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