Feb. 3, 2011

Staff Senate presents Campus Kudos


Staff Senate has recognized two groups and an individual with Campus Kudos for exemplary job performance. The honors were awarded at the organization’s Feb. 2 meeting.

NDSU Student Government was acknowledged for its support of NDSU’s Gold Star Marching Band. Student Government has allocated $40,000 for the band.

Gold Star Marching Band was honored for its outstanding service and commitment to the university, community and the state of North Dakota for performing without stipends. The Campus Kudos honor recognized each band member for making adjustments to continue the band’s century-old traditions.

Brent Goosen, a welder in the Pilot Plant, also was recognized. Considered a hero to NDSU Upward Bound during Homecoming Week, he was instrumental in assisting Upward Bound staff with their float the night before the Homecoming parade. He stayed late to help, when he was supposed to travel to Hutchinson, Minn., to watch his son play in a football game. Even with his extra effort, Goosen made the game on time.

Individual recipients of Campus Kudos receive a certificate and a $5 gift certificate to the Coffee Shop. In this case, group honorees were recognized with framed certificates.

If you would like to nominate someone for a job well done, visit the Campus Kudo’s website at www.ndsu.edu/staff_senate/campus_kudos.

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