April 7, 2011

Forensics team places ninth at national tournament


The NDSU forensics team placed ninth at the Pi Kappa Delta National Tournament in Portland, Ore., joining the ranks of the top 10 university programs in the country.

Eight team members from NDSU competed against 150 other competitors representing 84 teams. Team president Timothy Bill was invited to perform at a special showcase performance after being selected as one of the top four persuasive speakers at the tournament.

NDSU was represented by Timothy Bill, Crosby, Minn.; Keith Bistodeau and Sarah Budde, St. Michael, Minn.; Jenna Mueller, Niagara, N.Y.; Anthony Herman, Devils Lake, N.D.; Jade Monroe, Faulkton, S.D.; and Kristen Fennell and Lilie Schoenack, Fargo.

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