Sept. 12, 2011

Photographer Dewitt Jones scheduled to speak at NDSU


Professional photographer and creativity expert Dewitt Jones will give a special presentation on how to make life more of a joy on Thursday, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p.m. in Festival Hall. The presentation is free for students, but limited seating is available so tickets are required to attend. Visit for ticket information.

The presentation, “Extraordinary Visions! An Evening with Dewitt Jones,” is part of the College of Business’ Thought Leader Series.

Where do we find the vision to take our lives to the next level? How can we make our life less of a struggle and more of a joy? For Jones, answers to these questions lie in the images we hold about ourselves, our future and the way in which we grow.

Jones spent 20 years with National Geographic photographing stories around the globe and also is a motion picture director and lecturer.

He rose to the forefront of creative marketing by photographing national advertising campaigns for organizations such as Dewar’s Scotch, Canon and United Airlines. He also has published nine books including “California,” “John Muir’s America” and most recently “The Nature of Leadership,” in collaboration with Stephen R. Covey and Roger Merrill. Dewitt also had two films nominated for Academy Awards before he was 30: “Climb” (1974) and “John Muir's High Sierra” (1974).

Jones graduated from Dartmouth College with a bachelor’s degree in drama and from the University of California at Los Angeles with a master’s degree in filmmaking.

Lead funding for the presentation is provided by the SU Impact Fund, NDSU Development Foundation, students from the College of Business Legacy Program and the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management in the College of Human Development and Education.

Student tickets for the presentation also are available from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sept. 19 in the Memorial Union or in the dean’s suite in Richard H. Barry Hall. Ticket requests also can be emailed to,, and

Faculty members can obtain a ticket if they can reasonably guarantee a minimum of 15 students will attend the event. Faculty interested in attending, should email for more information.


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