Sept. 19, 2011

Hazard awareness and disaster preparedness expo scheduled


Representatives from FEMA region eight are scheduled to attend NDSU’s fourth annual Preparedness Expo on Sept. 20, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Memorial Union. The Expo, sponsored by the NDSU student chapter of the International Association of Emergency Managers, will focus on fostering hazard awareness and disaster preparedness amongst the Fargo Moorhead community.

FEMA representatives will present two breakout sessions on the topic of the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA also will have subject matter experts from the mitigation and preparedness branches of the regional office located in Denver available. Many local organizations that play a role in emergency preparedness also will participate in the Expo.

Breakout session itinerary:

Topic: FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (SESSION ONE)
Presenter: David Kyner, FEMA region eight
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: Memorial Union Hidatsa room

Topic: Best Practices in Business Continuity
Presenter: Jason Schlueter, NDSU Department of Emergency Management graduate student
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: Memorial Union Hidatsa room

Topic: Active Shooter Preparedness for the Workplace and Beyond
Presenter: Dustin Jensen, NDSU emergency management project director and NDSU University Police
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: Memorial Union Hidatsa room

Topic: FEMA National Flood Insurance Program (SESSION TWO)
Presenter: David Kyner, FEMA region eight?
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Memorial Union Hidatsa room

The Fargo Fire Department, Fargo SWAT, American Red Cross, Fargo-Moorhead Ambulance and other organizations also will display their response vehicles to the public on the west side of the Memorial Union.

To reserve a spot in any of the breakout sessions, RSVP to

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