March 5, 2012

NDSU researchers meet with officials about oil issues


Researchers from NDSU’s Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute traveled with leaders from state agencies to hold working meetings with county and city officials in western North Dakota Jan. 11-24.

Gov. Jack Dalrymple directed state agencies to hold the meetings with the goal of creating a greater understanding of the region's oil impacts, coordinating local and state responses and to provide updates on state efforts to help meet the region's needs. The series of meetings was coordinated by the N.D. Department of Commerce.

In addition to Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute researchers Darcy Rosendahl, Alan Dybing and Tim Horner, participants included local officials and representatives from the Department of Commerce, Housing and Finance Agency; Department of Transportation; Department of Trust Lands; State Water Commission; State Health Department; and Highway Patrol. Meetings were held in Williston, Stanley, Tioga, Crosby, Bowbells, Mohall, Bottineau, Minot, New Town, Watford City, Killdeer, Dickinson, New England and Bowman. Additional meetings are being planned for other western North Dakota communities.

The state has appropriated $1.2 billion to rebuild and repair roads in oil country, support the development of residential housing, enhance emergency medical services and address other oil impacts. The state's 20-year strategic transportation plan sets the parameters for state road improvements throughout North Dakota. The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute has augmented the statewide plan with a study of road conditions in oil and gas counties. At the direction of the North Dakota Legislature, the institute is updating the initial plan and will provide more in-depth information to policymakers.

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