March 15, 2012

Interim ND EPSCoR co-project director named


Sheri Anderson has been named interim co-project director at NDSU for the North Dakota Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. Effective Feb. 16, Anderson serves in the interim appointment for the position previously held by David Givers, who retired in January.

“Sheri Anderson is an experienced proposal writer, as well as bringing extensive organizational skill and vision to contribute to the success of research programs,” said Philip Boudjouk, vice president for research, creative activities and technology transfer at NDSU and ND EPSCoR co-chair.

In the past 15 years, Anderson has served in various roles to support the development of NDSU’s research enterprise. Anderson was the associate vice president for program development and operations in the Office of the Vice President for Research, Creative Activities and Technology Transfer. In that position, she supervised the operations of two research facilities, providing division budget planning, organizational planning and program administration for federal and state grant funding. She also was director of operations and program development, and the business and operations manager in the Office of Research. In addition, Anderson has worked on new initiatives, including funding for a materials research facility, the U.S. Department of Energy-funded Center for Computationally-Assisted Science and Technology and North Dakota Economic Development Centers of Excellence programs. In her interim position as ND EPSCoR co-project director, Anderson will be responsible for overseeing EPSCoR programming and operations and will assist in crafting the next ND EPSCoR submission to the National Science Foundation.

ND EPSCoR provides research funding for doctoral dissertations, new faculty start-up awards, science infrastructure, support for women in science and engineering, as well as programs for undergrads and work with the private sector.

Prior to joining NDSU in 1997, Anderson served as an operations officer for an Air Force base redevelopment project in San Bernardino, Calif., where she worked on projects for federal certification of airfield operations and security. She earned a master’s degree in business administration from NDSU.

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