Office of Student Body Vice President

The Student Body Vice President serves as the student voice on numerous committees at NDSU and in the Fargo-Moorhead community, including but not limited to: President's Council for Campus Well-being, Senate Coordinating Council, University Athletics Committee, and Homecoming Committee. He/she serves as the President of the Student Senate, where they lead meetings and help create, refine, and guide legislation to help better our campus and university. The Student Body Vice President also serves as the chair of the Environmental Sustainability Committee and the Code and Constitution Review Committee. The Student Body Vice President serves as NDSU Student Government's head delegate at the annual Conference on Student Government Association (COSGA). The Student Body Vice President works closely with the Student Body President to ensure the opinions and concerns of the student body of NDSU are heard at every level. They also work together in overseeing Student Government as a whole.

Contact Information

Christopher Dick, Student Body Vice President 

Chris's office hours: 

Please contact Chris with any student concerns or questions you may have.


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