Research Overview

Dr. Hong’s research interest is in understanding authenticity in the workplace. Authenticity arises when people can express themselves in a manner consistent with what they believe to be their true selves.  Dr. Hong’s research shows that emotional labor, a form of emotional inauthenticity, can negatively impact employees’ well-being and encourage unethical behavior.

Unlike the conventional wisdom that "the more authenticity, the better," Dr. Hong’s study shows that authentic leadership has the most positive impact on team behaviors when the leader’s authenticity is at a moderate level. The implication is that a truly authentic leader would recognize the situational constraints and limitations of their authenticity and is unlikely to perceive the self as the utmost authentic leader. This highlights the importance of humility in authentic leadership.

Research Interests
  • Behavioral Ethics
  • Authenticity in the Workplace
  • Organizational Justice

Dr. Hong’s research has been published in the Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Business Venturing Insight; and Business Ethics Quarterly. She serves as a reviewer for journals such as Group & Organization Management, Business Ethics Quarterly, and Journal of Management and Organizations. She actively presents her research at various international academic conferences such as the Academy of Management and the Society for Business Ethics.

Michelle Hong

Assistant Professor of Management
Richard H. Barry Hall, 312
(701) 231-8138


  • Ph.D. Virginia Tech
  • MBA Syracuse University
  • B.A. University of Toronto


  • Organizational Behavior
  • International Business
  • International Management
  • Principle of Management
  • Contemporary Leadership
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