Sept. 9, 2009

Counseling Center offers mood disorder screening


During the past few years, the issue of students’ mental health has become a hot topic on college campuses nationwide. More and more students seem to be struggling with depression and anxiety disorders. According to the results of the American College Health Association-National College Health Assessment spring survey, 45 percent of students report feeling so depressed they can no longer function.

To help students who are experiencing mental and emotional problems, the NDSU Counseling Center is offering students free, anonymous screenings for depression disorders during the National Depression Screening Week, Sept. 21-25. To make an appointment, call 1-7671.

Students will complete a short questionnaire that assesses the likelihood that they may have a mood disorder. They can learn more about common issues, take home educational materials for themselves or their friends and talk with a mental health professional about specific concerns.

In addition to this one-week event, the NDSU Counseling Center is offering confidential, year-round online screening for depression and anxiety disorders. By accessing the their Web site at, students can find out if they are suffering from one or more of these problems and be referred to a counselor.

For more information, contact Kiersten Yost from the Counseling Center at 1-7671 or

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