April 16, 2020

Students: practice self-care during pandemic


NDSU Counseling Center director Bill Burns is urging students to practice self-care as the pandemic and social distancing continue.

“It’s especially important now to remember the things mom and grandma might have taught you about taking care of yourself,” Burns said. “Eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, spend time in nature and do something positive that you enjoy each day. Maintain a daily routine – for most people this can help preserve a sense of order and purpose in their lives.”

Here are some of Burns’ suggestions:

• Stay connected. Use phone calls, text messages, video chat and other social media to connect with your social support networks. These interactions are an opportunity to discuss your experiences and feelings.

• Take a break from the news. Set aside one or two times a day to check the news; otherwise, focus on other things. Focus on trusted news sources, instead of sources that sensationalize things.

• Learn a different language, read a series of books, start a new exercise routine or learn to play a musical instrument.

• Consider practicing mindfulness and learning meditation. The NDSU Counseling Center’s web site has information about how to make both of these a part of life.

• Seek professional help if you are experiencing persistent feelings of anxiety, anger, irritability, sadness, hopelessness, substance abuse or thoughts of suicide.

“It is important to remember that human beings are resilient,” Burns said. “Focus on what you can control and look for opportunities for growth along the way.”

The NDSU Counseling Center is still helping students during the pandemic. Contact the center by calling 231-7671 during normal business hours to schedule an appointment. Center personnel will visit with students via video sessions.

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