First-year NDSU students can in March begin the process of selecting housing for the upcoming academic year.
It’s time for incoming, first-year students entering NDSU in the fall to apply for housing.
Incoming students can select their residence hall room in March through the online selection process, which allows students to choose the residence hall they want to live in.
“Our room selection process gives students full control over their housing arrangements,” said Jason Medders, the associate director of Residence Life Operations. “They get to choose not only their roommate, but also their hall and room. It puts students in the driver's seat and offers higher satisfaction of their first-year experience.”
Tara Ferkinhoff, assistant director for marketing for Residence Life and Dining, said students are able to view the floor plan of their desired residence hall and select the room that meets their needs through the online portal.
“It’s fun to find out what students want when selecting their space,” Ferkinhoff said. “Some students want to be close to the laundry room, others want to be close to a community space where people will hang out. We’ve even had a student select a room based on whether it was south facing and had good light exposure for their plants.”
Sommer Schweitzer, an incoming freshman from Bismarck, North Dakota said she is excited to start classes at NDSU in the fall.
“I’m looking forward to meeting new people and making new memories for sure, while furthering my education,” Schweitzer said. “I am hoping to reside in Cater Hall. If my roommate and I do not get into that one, we will most likely go for Thompson.”
Plan your path to success at NDSU, and explore the residence halls on campus.