Jan. 10, 2024

Presentation to honor Martin Luther King Jr.


NDSU’s Office of Multicultural programs will honor Martin Luther King Jr. by holding a presentation on Thursday, Jan. 11, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Memorial Union Sahnish room. 

The presentation titled “Beyond the Dream” will focus on the years after King’s “I have a Dream” speech in 1963 up until his assassination in 1968. Larry Napoleon Jr, NDSU associate professor in the School of Education, will serve as the presentation’s keynote speaker. 

“It's important that we examine our great historical figures in the fullness of what they offered. It's a disservice to them, and a societal failure to extract the bits and pieces of them that are deemed easily digestible,” Napoleon said.  “Sadly, Dr. King's legacy has largely fallen victim to this type of historical piecemealing. This presentation will examine Dr. King beyond simple and palatable soundbites. I'm excited to be having this conversation at NDSU. It's important that our institutions of higher learning foster these types of opportunities for critical thought and reflection.”

Kaelen Napoleon, the diversity and inclusion coordinator in the Office of Multicultural Programs, said King always will be remembered as a civil rights icon.

“He spoke truth to racial disparities in this country and also spoke out against poverty and the struggles of working people,” she said. “Remembering King’s message of equality, justice and inclusion, I hope we all feel inspired to make a positive impact on our campus community.”

The event is open to the public.   

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