May 20, 2021

Weed scientist joins NDSU plant sciences


Quincy Law has joined the NDSU plant sciences department as an assistant professor and invasive and noxious weeds specialist.

Law earned his doctoral degree in horticulture and his master’s degree in agronomy at Purdue University under the direction of Aaron Patton. He also earned a bachelor’s degree in horticulture from Iowa State University.

A family farming heritage and a love for the game of golf led Law to work on a golf course and eventually major in turfgrass science. His doctorate research investigated the biology and 2,4-D resistance of buckhorn plantain in turf.

At NDSU, Law’s research program will focus on the biology, management, and control of North Dakota’s 13 noxious weeds and other invasive species, mainly in cropland. He will also teach a course on seed technologies and traits.

Law is from Clear Lake, Iowa. 

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